These are my configs for Arch I can't use chezmoi so this is a mess. It's wayland only but you can find old X11 configs on the commit history (spaghetti)
- cool rofi config (very poggers)
- waybar with dynamic colors
- hyprland personal config with themes (check before using)
- same nvim and terminal
- firefox auto switches with pywalfox the theme switcher is theme_changer_wl and the keys hyp_bindings (alt + control + k)
This is not an intensive list but here's a reference
Main setup:
- hyprland (compositor obvs)
- waybar-hyprland-git: Bar (duh)
- swaync sway idle (notification center and autolocking)
- gtklock (locker util, I also have playerctl module)
- hyprshade (bluelight filter + shader manager)
- playerctl, light (manage sound and brightness)
- grim, slurp, swappy (screenshottting)
- rofi-lbonn-wayland (rofi with wayland patch, app picker)
- dbus, gnome-polkit, wayland, wl-copy and wl-clip-persist (for general wayland stuff)
- neovim (editor)
- kitty (terminal emulator)
- fzf, zsh and zinit (shell)
- ranger and nemo + nemo-filleroller (file managers)
- firefox,python-pywalfox, python-pywal (firefox and auto firefox theming)
- pcloud, bitwarden, kdeconnect (general utils)
- fcitx5 (input method)
That should be about it. for the some of the nvim configsjokes on you it's now basically all mine now (old config) for most of the waybar config- for amazing rofi themes for the firefox themepywalfox and a small custom theme, the new tab is still theirs tho- Most of it was based on him and I still many times take from there
Well not like anyone's gonna read this except but me but that's all folks