Releases: PeturDarri/ClimbeyEditor
Climbey Editor v.1.21
- Added HalfPipe shape.
- Added Prism shape.
- Made all objects groupable.
- Fixed start level not loading again.
You can find keyboard shortcuts in the of this repository.
If you need any help you can find me at the Climbey discord:
Climbey Editor v.1.1
- Added MovingDeath block.
- Added grid size UI.
- Updated Unity to 2017.1.0f3.
- Fixed deleted objects getting saved.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when you clicked a dropdown in Bounds mode.
- Fixed start level not loading at start.
- Added a quick way to change the type of a shape block. Select the blocks you want to change and hold Ctrl while clicking on the type you want to change it to.
You can find keyboard shortcuts in the of this repository.
If you need any help you can find me at the Climbey discord:
Climbey Editor v.1.0
The first release of the desktop level editor for Climbey.
You can find keyboard shortcuts in the of this repository.
If you need any help you can find me at the Climbey discord:
Climbey Editor Preview
An early preview of a desktop level editor for Climbey.
Camera controls work the same way as in the Unity editor.
Hold left alt and click and drag to orbit the camera.
Hold left alt and left control and click and drag to pan (Or hold scroll wheel down).
Press Z to toggle free roam camera. WASD to fly. Hold left control to slow down, left shift to speed up.
Click to select. Drag over to multi-select or hold left control to add to selection.
The transform tool is changed with Q, W, R and T.
Q = Bounds (The best mode)
W = Position
R = Rotation (Pretty bad when used with bounds)
T = Scale (I will be removing this in the future, stick with bounds to scale)
When manipulating a block you can hold left control to disable the grid snapping.
In bounds, holding left shift will enable symmetrical scaling.
The top 4 cube icons on the left spawn the 4 different blocks.
You can press Ctrl+D to duplicate your selection.
Pressing X will change your transform space between world and local.
Press + or - on the keypad to raise or lower grid snapping.
Press F to focus on selection.
Ctrl+A is select all.
Current features:
- Level saving and loading.
- Block manipulation.
- Grabbable, Metal, Icy and Glass blocks.
Future features:
- Everything else.