FileShelter is a self-hosted software that allows you to easily share files over the Internet. Just upload one or more files and get an URL back!
A demo instance is available, with the following limitations:
- Maximum duration is set to 3 days
- Maximum file size is set to 1 MB
- Period of validity, from one hour to many years
- Optional password protection (download and/or upload)
- Practically unique links, using UUID
- Private edit links, used to remove the files or to check the download counters
- Terms Of Service support, fully or partially customizable
- Multiple language support
- Low memory requirements: the demo instance runs on a Raspberry Pi Zero W
Once the expiry date is reached, the share is no longer available for download. The files are actually deleted roughly two hours after the share has expired. This is to make sure to not interrupt a download in progress.
: list all the shares available for downloadfileshelter-create
: create a share using local files. The files are not copied in the Fileshelter's working directory. Therefore the files must still exist while the share is avalaible for download. The files are not deleted once the share has expired.
See file.
Any feedback is welcome:
- feel free to participate in discussions if you have questions,
- report any bug or request for new features in the issue tracker,
- submit your pull requests based on the develop branch.