Releases: PhDMeiwp/basicTrendline
Releases · PhDMeiwp/basicTrendline
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Changes in version 2.0.3
- add several arguments to trendline() function, including show.equation, show.Rpvalue, Rname, Pname, xname, yname, yhat, CI.fill, CI.level, CI.alpha, CI.color, CI.lty, CI.lwd, ePos.x, ePos.y, las.
- enable to draw confidence interval for regression models (arguments CI.fill, CI.level, etc.)
- add 'show.equation' and show.Rpvale' arguments to enable to choose which parameter to show
- add 'Rname' and 'Pname' arguments to specify the character of R-square and P-vlaue (i.e. R^2 or r^2; P or p)
- add 'xname' and 'ynameto' arguments to specify the character of 'x' and 'y' in the equation
- add 'yhat' argument to enable to add a hat symbol on the top of 'y' in the equation
- add 'ePos.x' and 'ePos.y' arguments to specify the x and y co-ordinates of equation's position
- deleted the 'ePos' argument
- add "Residual Sum of Squares" to the output of 'trendline_summary()' function