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Scripts for reduction of Total Power data reduction from ALMA

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# TP_ALMA_data_reduction
New version of the phangs_scripts_TP_ALMA repository, using an updated directory tree

Scripts for Total Power (TP) ALMA data reduction and imaging.


Basics: How does it work?

The ALMA total power reduction executes the follwing steps:
  1: import_and_split_ant => Import data to MS and split by antenna    (adsm   -> asap)
  2: gen_tsys_and_flag    => Generate Tsys data and apply flags        (create .tsys and .swpmap)
  3: counts2kelvin        => Calibrate Tsys and convert data to K      (asap   -> asap.2)
  4: extract_cube         => Extract PPV cube around the target line   (asap.2 -> asap.3)
  5: baseline             => Baseline                                  (asap.3 -> asap.4)
  6: concat_ants          => Concatenate all antennas                  (asap.4 -> ms.5 -> cal.jy)
  7: imaging              => Grid data and fix the header              (cal.jy -> image)
  8: export_fits          => Export image and weight to fits files     (image  -> fits)

To do this, the sources are spread in three files:

  - analysis_scripts
    ALMA provided folder that contains useful tools to be used during the
    TP ALMA data reduction. You should not modify any of the scripts in
    this folder.

    Script which contains the generic procedures for total power data
    reduction and imaging. You should not modify this script.

  - galaxy-specific-scripts/
    Galaxy specific scripts that encode our own data reduction. This script
    uses the two previous code source.


Additional information about the TP calibration process

1. For some observations (galaxies: NGC 1087, NGC 1385, NGC 1300, NGC 1433,
   NGC 1566) there was an atmospheric line in the bandpass that could not
   be automatically reduced in CASA. In these cases, only a zero order
   baseline was subtracted. After executing all steps from 1 to 8, we went
   to GILDAS\CLASS to make a 2nd round of baseline subtraction
   piecewise. If required, the GILDAS\CLASS scripts can be shared.

2. The ALMA TP data was originally reduced either by JAO, one of the ARC
   nodes using scripts, or by an automatized pipeline. Our scripts
   accommodate slightly different behaviors to apply the flagging and to
   convert from Kelvin to Jansky per beam.


   - For all data, an a priori flagging is applied during step 1
     (import_and_split_ant, see above). This includes flags such as: mount
     off source, calibration device is not in correct position, power
     levels are not optimized, WCA not loaded.
   - In addition, other flags can be applied during step 2
     (gen_tsys_and_flag, see above) :

       + For data previously reduced with scripts, the ALMA data reducer
	 may have added additional flags that are stored in the script in the "script" folder.
	 For pipeline reduced data, no flag will be applied.

       + If you whish to add additional flags, you need to create a file 
       	 describing the flags to be done using the "sdflag" task under the 
	 name "scripts_TP/galaxy-specific-scripts/flags-folder/". For instance:
         > cat
	 sdflag(infile = '',
  	    		  mode = 'manual',
  			  scan = '11,12',
  			  overwrite = True)


   - For script reduced data, the information about the conversion from Kelvin
     to Jansky is stored in the scripts in the
     "script" folder.

   - For the pipeline reduced data, the same information is stored in a file
     called jyperk.csv in the calibration folder.

   - The script will check if the data was reduced by the 
     pipeline or not and will look for this information accordingly.


What you have to do for galaxy NGC_1672

1. Getting scripts and setting the directory tree:

   - Download the zip file from the Github
     by clicking the Green bouton "Clone or download". 
   - Place the file you downloaded from the github in your 
     HOME PHANGS-data-reduction folder. Unzip it and change the name to "scripts_TP".

   - We will work in the same directory tree created by AKL for the 12m+7m array data. In the "imaging"
     folder create a folder called "singledish" and move the "scripts_TP" folder you just renamed inside:
          PHANGS  !data-reduction
	  ├── 2017.1.00886.L
	  ├── 2015.1.00925.S
	  │   ├── science_goal.uid___A001_X2fe_X2ba
	  │   ├── science_goal.uid___A001_X2fe_X2c4
	  │   ├── ...
	  │   └── science_goal.uid___A001_X2fe_X332
	  ├── 2015.1.00956.S
	  │   ├── science_goal.uid___A001_X2fb_X271
	  │   ├── science_goal.uid___A001_X2fb_X27b
	  │   ├── ...
	  │   └── science_goal.uid___A001_X2fb_X2df
	  └── imaging       ! imaging 12m, 7m and TP
	      ├── scripts   ! Scripts given by AKL for extracting and imaging 12m, 7m and TP data (data delivery).
	      ├── ngc1672
	      ├── ngc...
	      └── singledish      ! specific data and scripts for TP observations.
	          ├── data        ! Automatically created. Final TP fits files. 
		  ├── scripts_TP  ! Contains the TP scripts for data reduction. This is where you have to put the unzip folder.
	          │   ├──
	          │   ├── analysis_scripts
	          │   └── galaxy-specific-scripts
		  │       ├──
	          │       ├──
	          │       └── flags-folder
	          │           ├──
	          │           └── ...	  
		  └── tmp         !  Automatically created. Temporal folder for data reduction.

2. Getting the ALMA data:

     - Donwload from the ALMA Science Archive Query ( the files under the 
       Member OUS of the TP observations for a given ALMA project (i.e  the product and the raw files). 
       Do NOT download the "semipass" files. Place the tar files in the "PHANGS" folder (see point 1).

     - Within the PHANGS folder, untar the "product" file (uid..._001_of_001.tar) and the uid....asdm.sdm files. 
       They will be automatically placed in the standard ALMA directory tree. By default, the directory is 
       created with 2 folders with the project number. Remove one of these folder, i.e. 
       > cd 2015.1.00956.S
       > mv 2015.1.00956.S/* .
       Example for ALMA directory tree, under the PHANGS folder, after untaring the file for galaxy NGC_1672 
       in project 2015.1.00956.S and removing one project number folder:

       # ALMA Directory tree, under the PHANGS folder 
	    └── science_goal.uid___A001_X2fb_X271
		└── group.uid___A001_X2fb_X272
		    └── member.uid___A001_X2fb_X279
			├── calibration   
			├── log            
			├── product       
			├── qa           
			├── raw           
			├── script        
			└── README        

      If you wish, you can read the ALMA README file for comments from the
      ALMA data reducer and for further description of the folders.

3. Running our scripts

     - In the "scripts_TP" folder, untar the analysis_script.tar file included in the zipped file.
     - In the "scripts_TP/galaxy-specific-scripts" folder, modify the "" if you wish to modify the 
       parameters used in the data reduction or imaging. State the step of the data reduction you
       want to perform. 

     - In the "scripts_TP" folder, start a CASA session and:
       CASA> execfile('galaxy-specific-scripts/')

     - Two additional folders will be created at the same level as the scripts_TP folder, 
       products and tmp (see point 1 for directory tree):
       + DATA: It will contain the final data products in FITS format.

       + TMP: Temporary folder where the TP data reduction happens. Once you have
       	      finished the data reduction, you can delete this folder. Raw data
	      will be stored in the original ALMA folder.

	      The "tmp" folder is a replica of the original ALMA folder, where only 
	      the needed files are copied. Data reduction will be done here, specifically in 
	      the "calibration" folder (see directory tree in point 2). In the 
	      "calibration" folder, two additional folders will be created: "plots" 
	      and "obs_lists".
	           + PLOTS folder: This folder contains all plots created by the data 
		     	   	   reduction scripts. For instance, the Tsys and the 
				   baseline correction plots. Using such plots, you 
				   can judge the quality of the data.
		   + OBS_LISTS folder: This folder contains the observation lists of 
		     	       	       the data.



Scripts for reduction of Total Power data reduction from ALMA






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