Partnership between Can't Stop Columbus and the Mid-Ohio Foodbank to create a public api for the FreshTrak database
Customer: A person or family in search of food who may or may not already be engaged with some part of the feeding network. There are ~46 million individuals across the nation who are customers. These individual customers make up over 17 million households.
Feeding Network: General term for all people and organizations involved in trying to feed customers.
Foodbank: Large distribution centers that provide food to local agencies. There are ~220 foodbanks across the United States.
Agencies: Broad term encompassing all types of organizations that work with foodbanks to distribute food to customers. Specific types of agencies include Food pantries, produce markets, Mid-Ohio Markets, soup kitchens, meal sites, etc… There are ~40k agencies across the nation.
Food Resources: General term for the services agencies provide.
Service territory: General term for all of the geographies served by a single foodbank.
Customer Journey - External Google Doc collecting initial ideas, thoughts, and requirements