Design and write a MicroService responsible of Asynchronous sending of Emails. It will be used by various other components to send mail to end customers.
REST API with synchronous acknowledgment with only one method for sending new Mail
Mail with attachment should be possible. (Attachment Content will be provided in the request by a URI pointing to the actual document binaries)
Queuing until successful response from SMTP Server. Max Retry configurable.
No Authentication required.
API Definition using Swagger
Implementation using Maven/Gradle, Spring Boot, and any other frameworks you may think useful.
mvn clean package
Running application through maven : mvn spring-boot:run
Running application through java command line : java -jar target/mailServer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
You can find the documentation from the API here http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
#Json input examples : Witout attachment
"sender":"[email protected]",
"subject":"This is a test",
"emailText":"This is the body of the test",
"to":["[email protected]"]
With attachment
"sender":"[email protected]",
"subject":"This is a test",
"emailText":"This is the body of the test",
"to":["[email protected]"],
"attachment":{"name of attachment":"URL from attachment"}
Before run the application it is necessary to configure the SMTP server details in file. You should provide the follow information : = SMTP server host spring.mail.port = SMTP server port spring.mail.username = user name spring.mail.password = password