Relies on Python packages flask
, flask-wtf
, pygit2
. These can be install with pip.
to set up virtual environment, assuming python 3:
pyvenv flask
flask/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Installing pygit2 requires a C library, it can be installed on a mac using
Homebrew: brew install libgit2
and on
Debian using apt: apt-get install libgit2-dev libffi
To run: python3
will start the server.
(For Python 2, it should work with virtualenv flask
, and then the rest of it
with the 3's taken out.)
With the server running, navigate in your browser to localhost:5000. The webpage should be ready for use.
A handy github repo you can use for testing is:
A new version of the anonymizer module with unit tests is planned.
The anonymizer module can be run as a standalone. use python3 <url-to-anonymize> <kata-description>
The anonymizer relies on the three following environment variables:
Which are the username, password, and OAuth token of the github repo you want the anonymous katas uploaded to.
These can be set using the syntax export example='data'
in the terminal.