Cinema - tickets, CodersCamp 2019 final project.
This application lets you browse available movies and book tickets with e-mail confirmation. Backend server is designed in Node.js using Express and deployed on MongoDB database. Authentication is using Google Authentication Service. Mail confirmation are sent using nodemailer.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
You need to have node.js installed on your machine to run this project.
Clone or download project to your local machine. Then in root directory run:
npm install
Then go to /client/ directory and again run:
npm install
To run both backend and frontend application type :
npm run dev
To run only backend server:
npm run server:
To run only react frontend:
npm run client
- React
- Redux
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
- Google Authentication
Piotr Grzymowicz [email protected]
Michał Światłowski [email protected]