A curated list of awesome pluggable projects and their plugins lists
- Webpack
- Babel
- Eslint
- Prettier
- Gatsby
- Verdaccio
- Middleware Plugins
- Storage Plugins
- Auth Plugins
- Filter Plugins (experimental)
- Chaijs
- Chartjs
- Docsify
- Rollup
- D3
- Parcel
- 11ty
- Docz
- Esdoc
- i18next
- Prismjs
- Hexo
- Postcss
- Jquery
- docute
- Gridsome
- Browserify
- choo
- vscode
- chrome
- Docpad
- firefox
- less
- Standardjs
- Assemble
- Intern
- Reactioncommerce
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To the extent possible under law, plugin-contrib has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.