Let's reimagine web browsing, together.
##PolyBrowser Newtab Page
This is the code repository for the about:newtab page of PolyBrowser. If you're looking for the main PolyBrowser repository, it's right here
##Source Code
This source code is a To understand the source code and build PolyBrowser, visit the PolyBrowser Wiki
##Contributing All contributions are welcome. Send us a Pull Request. Submit bugs and feature requests to the Issue Tracker in this repo. For more information, email info (at) polysuite.com.
- PolyBrowser is provided under the Mozilla Public License (MPL2.0) (https://www.mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/)
- The name "PolyBrowser" as well as logos and images provided are trademarks of PolySuite, LLC, all rights reserved