A passionate software developer with hands-on experience in Node.js, Python, and SQL. I enjoy designing and building scalable web applications, managing databases, and solving complex technical problems.
💡 Interests: Developing RESTful APIs and integrating with both SQL and NoSQL databases. Exploring AWS services for scalable solutions and serverless architectures. Enhancing security with authentication methods like OAuth and OpenID.
🚀 Projects: Worked on projects to bring efficient and scalablility. Created projects with JWT, RBAC, SSO, LDAP protocol etc.
😎 I specialize in building robust backends that do all the heavy lifting for the web and mobile app. I love designing systems that are light yet powerful, distributed yet synchronized, and beautiful yet effective.
- 😁 Pronouns: Tech Enthusiast /He/Him
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Low-Level Design (LLD).
- ❓ Ask me about: APIs, Backend Development, and Database Management.
- 🤝 I’m looking to collaborate on web development projects.
- ⚡ Fun fact: My best code is written between midnight and 3 AM (no bugs allowed)!