please clone a project PredixDev/predix-bdd-cucumber
run BDD tests from command line
$ mvn clean test
returns tests log and final Cucumber report like below:
Feature: Support to create/update/delete assets and query by assets ID name
As an Assets Modeler,
I am able to create/update/delete assets and query by assets ID name
Scenario: Create/update/delete assets # IntegrationTest/customer/Assets_Test.feature:5
Given new assetId "rmd_user_test_asset_sv" with description "new asset - description" _Asset_ # AssetTest.new_assetId_with_description__Asset_(String,String)
Then the asset with name "rmd_user_test_asset_sv" and description "new asset - description" should be returned _Asset_ # AssetTest.the_asset_with_name_and_description_should_be_returned__Asset_(String,String)
When update the assetId "rmd_user_test_asset_sv" with description "update asset - description" _Asset_ # AssetTest.update_the_assetId_with_description__Asset_(String,String)
Then the asset with name "rmd_user_test_asset_sv" and description "update asset - description" should be returned _Asset_ # AssetTest.the_asset_with_name_and_description_should_be_returned__Asset_(String,String)
When a user delete the asset by asset id "rmd_user_test_asset_sv" _Asset_ # AssetTest.a_user_delete_the_asset_by_asset_id__Asset_(String)
Then the asset with asset id "rmd_user_test_asset_sv" not exist _Asset_ # AssetTest.the_asset_with_asset_id_not_exist__Asset_(String)
Feature: Support to create/update/delete customer and query by customer ID number
As an Customer Modeler,
I am able to create/update/delete customer and query by customer ID number
Scenario: Create/update/delete customer # IntegrationTest/customer/Customer_Test.feature:5
Given a customer with name "Customer01" and phone number "(123)456-7890" _Customer_ # CustomerTest.a_customer_with_name_and_phone_number__Customer_(String,String)
When a user queries the customer by customer id "Customer01" _Customer_ # CustomerTest.a_user_queries_the_customer_by_customer_id__Customer_(String)
Then the customer with name "Customer01" and phone number "(123)456-7890" should be returned _Customer_ # CustomerTest.the_customer_with_name_and_phone_number_should_be_returned__Customer_(String,String)
When a user updates the customer with name "Customer01" and phone number "(321)456-7891" _Customer_ # CustomerTest.a_user_update_the_customer_with_name_and_phone_number__Customer_(String,String)
And a user queries the customer by customer id "Customer01" _Customer_ # CustomerTest.a_user_queries_the_customer_by_customer_id__Customer_(String)
Then the customer with name "Customer01" and phone number "(321)456-7891" should be returned _Customer_ # CustomerTest.the_customer_with_name_and_phone_number_should_be_returned__Customer_(String,String)
When a user deletes the customer "Customer01" _Customer_ # CustomerTest.a_user_deletes_the_customer__Customer_(String)
And a user queries the customer by customer id "Customer01" _Customer_ # CustomerTest.a_user_queries_the_customer_by_customer_id__Customer_(String)
Then the customer "Customer01" is not exist _Customer_ # CustomerTest.the_customer_is_not_exist__Customer_(String)
2 Scenarios (2 passed)
15 Steps (15 passed)
- run from Eclipse. Open RunCucucmberTest.java and run as Junit Test
- project structure
├── LICENSE.md
├── README.md
├── images
│ └── BDD-Cucumber.png
├── pom.xml
└── src
├── main
│ ├── java
│ │ └── com
│ │ └── ge
│ │ └── ams
│ │ └── dto
│ │ ├── Asset.java
│ │ ├── Customer.java
│ │ └── Message.java
│ └── resources
│ ├── log4j.properties
│ └── schema
│ └── json
│ ├── asset.json
│ ├── customer.json
│ └── message.json
└── test
├── java
│ └── com
│ └── ge
│ └── predix
│ └── labs
│ ├── common
│ │ ├── JsonMapper.java
│ │ ├── JsonParsing.java
│ │ ├── Kind.java
│ │ ├── RestClient.java
│ │ ├── RestConfig.java
│ │ ├── UrlEncoder.java
│ │ └── Urls.java
│ ├── factories
│ │ └── RequestContext.java
│ └── integrationtest
│ ├── AmsHttpClientErrorException.java
│ ├── AmsHttpServerErrorException.java
│ ├── AmsJsonErrorMessageException.java
│ ├── AmsResponseErrorHandler.java
│ ├── ExceptionUtil.java
│ ├── ResponseContainer.java
│ ├── RestConstants.java
│ ├── RestTestBase.java
│ ├── RestTestSuite.java
│ ├── cucumber
│ │ ├── RunCucumberTest.java
│ │ └── customer
│ │ ├── AssetTest.java
│ │ └── CustomerTest.java
│ └── exceptionhandling
│ └── ExceptionTestBase.java
└── resources
├── Cucumber
│ ├── IntegrationTest
│ │ └── customer
│ │ ├── Assets_Test.feature
│ │ └── Customer_Test.feature
│ └── testfiles
│ └── CarAndLocomotives.json
├── bddTest.properties
└── cucumber.xml
properties file
bddTest.properties - file contains settings for Asset app example running in my space. You need to set up your own for development.
new DTO object
Use your own json skema to create your own DTO object. And put jsonschema2pojo-maven-plugin references in pom.xml file.
cucumber tests
Cucumber tests locates in predix-bdd-cucumber/src/test/resources/Cucumber/IntegrationTest/customer/
- BDD Cucumber plugin for Eclipse https://github.com/rlogiacco/Natural/wiki/Installation-Guide
//push your dummy app predix_assetbdd into Cloud
$ cf push
$ cf create-service predix-uaa Beta uaa_bdd_test -c '{"adminClientSecret":"admin_secret"}'
$ cf bs predix_assetbdd uaa_bdd_test
$ cf restage predix_assetbdd
$ cf e predix_assetbdd
$ cf cs predix-asset Beta asset_bdd_test -c '{"trustedIssuerIds": ["https://ae902176-c00b-49ef-8ef3-f42ad6f24e8d.predix-uaa.run.aws-usw02-pr.ice.predix.io/oauth/token"]}'
$ uaac target https://ae902176-c00b-49ef-8ef3-f42ad6f24e8d.predix-uaa.run.aws-usw02-pr.ice.predix.io
$ uaac token client get admin
create new client using asset instanceId aka zone or Predix-Zone-Id (Header's name) from predix-asset\instanceId field value and put it as predix-asset.zones.<predix-asset\instanceId>.user
$ uaac client add uaa_client_bdd
--authorities openid,uaa.none,uaa.resource,predix-asset.zones.c026020a-95d0-4838-ba34-a7d26f083ee3.user
--scope uaa.none,openid,predix-asset.zones.c026020a-95d0-4838-ba34-a7d26f083ee3.user
--autoapprove openid
--authorized_grant_types client_credentials
$ uaac token client get uaa_client_bdd
$ uaac context