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Raghuram Iyer "Ragzzy-R edited this page Dec 30, 2016 · 1 revision


PrintHen is an "open" system. So security is the last thing we thought about. That doesn't mean its unreliable. It just mean we have given freedom for any user to actually access any part of the system. Even though this is the case, we don't think it will be the same in the future and more and more security features will be added. For now to overcome the misuse of the system maintain these practices.


Any person may actually spam the printHen mail ID and make printing impossible. It is the responsibility of the person managing printHen to keep it clean. Also kindly do not use that mail ID for anything other than printHen. If someone spams just block him. Finally disclose the mailID only to the group of people who are actually using it. Maintain this habit unit


This seems a bit arguable topic. The Credentials of the mail account is stored in a text file as JSON data. No databases are used. This is to speed up the process of printing. The file is inaccessible via remote access other than SSHing to the Pi or physical access of the Pi. This is not a security loophole as any system with physical access is vulnerable.

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