DNAv (pronounced D-Nav) is a shorthand for DNA Navigation. This application is a semantic visualization tool for analysis of DNA sequences, aimed at biogenetic researchers. The application uses sophisticated data management to process a collection of sequences and detects areas of interest for the user, which it shows in a graphical user interface.
DNAv attempts to aid researchers in discovering the mysteries of evolution of the Tuberculosis bacterium. This bacterium evolves at a rapid pace, and its evolution is a great risk for all affected areas, as it can cause resistance to antibiotics. DNA is complex and mutations therein are varied and mostly unpredictable. Because of this, biogenetic researchers can often only rely on very limited automation. Their job involves detecting mutations and pinning down the root cause of them. Only in this way, can they completely annihilate the bacterium and nullify the Tuberculosis disease.
DNAv gives these researchers interactive, semantic and clearly visualized tools in their toolbox to help them with the detection and root cause analysis of these mutations.
Documentation can be found in the documentation
Documentation regarding testing can be found at documentation/testing.md
To use the application, please download the most recent release .jar
file from the release page.
When the project is first cloned, you must run mvn install
before any other lifecycle goals.
To generate the site, run mvn site:site site:stage
To create a single runnable jar use mvn compile assembly:single
inside the PL2
directory. The executable jar will then be located at PL2-launcher/target/PL2-launcher-<VERSION>-jar-with-dependencies.jar
This jar can be than executed by double-clicking.
DNAv is developed for the Contextproject course at the Delft University of Technology with course code TI2806, as part of the curriculum of the Bachelor Computer Science. The project is led by Dr. Thomas Abeel, who can be contacted by e-mail at T.Abeel@tudelft.nl.
Questions regarding the application can be directed to Wouter Smit at w.j.smit-1@student.tudelft.nl or to Justin van der Krieken at j.m.vanderkrieken@student.tudelft.nl.
Name | Student number |
Wouter Smit | 4401409 |
Cas Bilstra | 4381084 |
Faris Elghlan | 4341538 |
Justin van der Krieken | 4357116 |
Casper Athmer | 4329066 |