MONAI Deploy aims to become the de-facto standard for developing, packaging, testing, deploying and running medical AI applications in clinical production.
If you want to know more about its purpose and vision, please review the MONAI Deploy WG wiki.
MONAI Deploy builds on the foundation set by MONAI.
Where MONAI is focused on training and creating models, MONAI Deploy is focused on defining the journey from research innovation to clinical production environments in hospitals. Our guiding principles are:
- Implementation mindset. Create tangible assets: tools, applications and demos/prototypes.
- Radiology first, then other modalities like Pathology.
- Interoperability with clinical systems. Starting with DICOM, then FHIR.
- Central repository to facilitate collaboration among institutions.
MONAI Deploy was released at MICCAI 2021 and was part of the MONAI 2021 Bootcamp. Since then we have released several versions of some of the sub-systems, while others are being actively developed. Please check out the next section.
- MONAI Application Package (MAP) - defines how applications can be packaged. and distributed amongst MONAI Working Group member organizations.
- MONAI Deploy App SDK - set of development tools to create MAPs out of MONAI / Pytorch models.
- MONAI Deploy Informatics Gateway - I/0 for DICOM and FHIR.
- MONAI Deploy Workflow Manager - Orchestrates what has to be executed based on the clinical workflow specification and incoming requests.
- MONAI Deploy Express - End-to-end pipeline for testing and validation of MONAI Applications (MAPs).
To participate, please join the MONAI Deploy WG weekly meetings on the calendar. All the recordings and meeting notes since day zero can be found at MONAI Deploy WG master doc
Join our Slack channel or join the conversation on Twitter @ProjectMONAI.
Ask and answer questions over on MONAI Deploy's GitHub Discussions tab or MONAI's GitHub Discussions tab.
- Website:
- Guidelines:
- Roadmap tracker:
- Issue tracker: