An awesome list for Mirador's projects and plugins.
Creating your own plugin? Label it with "mirador-plugins". M3
between brackets indicates support for Mirador 3, where known.
- Project Mirador:
- Annotations Plugin (M3)
- Annotot Endpoint Plugin (M3)
- Download Plugin (M3)
- Image Tools (M3)
- Share Plugin (M3)
- See also the plugin demos (M3)
- Bavarian State Library
- Mirador 2 plugins - A repository of Mirador plugins, including
- CanvasLink: Lets you get a link to currently shown canvas
- ImageCropper: Adds an overlay to the canvas for retrieving the image url for the selected area
- PhysicalRuler: Adds a ruler with metric or imperial units
- ShareButtons
- ViewFromUrl: Lets you update the URL to reflect the current view type, manifest and canvas
- Mirador 3 Plugins:
- Mirador 2 plugins - A repository of Mirador plugins, including
- Annotation Tooltip (M3)
- LDN Plugin (M2) - An experimental plugin for incorporating supplemental IIIF content into Mirador via Linked Data Notifications.
- Jump-to-page (M2) - A Mirador plugin that allows users to select a page from a dropdown.
- Metadata Tab plugin (M2) - developed for Omeka S.
- From UCLA Library (all archived):
- Disable Zoom (M2) - A Mirador plugin that allows users to disable (and re-enable) zoom controls per window.
- Sync Windows (M2) - A Mirador plugin that allows users to mirror actions performed in one window in one or more other windows.
- Share Workspace (M2) - A Mirador plugin that allows users to share workspaces across workstations.
- Ruler (M2) - A Mirador plugin that allows users to overlay a configurable ruler on any window.
- IIIF Toolkit with Mirador - Embeds Mirador into Omeka Classic with a built-in annotator, a manifest generator and importer, Simple Pages shortcodes and Exhibit Builder blocks for a rich IIIF-compliant presentation experience.
- Mirador extension for MediaWiki - offers a parser function to make a build of Mirador 3, including four plugins, available for use in MediaWiki. Developed by CODECS.
- mirador_rails - A Ruby gem useful for including Mirador into Ruby on Rails applications
- Tutorial Mirador Viewer - PDF explaining how to use many Mirador features. Accessible only after login authentication.
Have a Mirador implementation? Label it with "mirador"
- SCTA Mirador Instance - A Mirador instance dedicated to viewing manuscripts collected and curated by the Scholastic Commentaries and Texts Archive.
- Archaeology of Reading - A Mirador instance for displaying and studying annotations in early printed books.
- Harvard Art Museums A Mirador instance of random objects in the Harvard Art Museums collection.
- Harvard Library Viewer - Mirador is the native viewer for page-turned objects in the Harvard Digital Repository System.
- HarvardX CellXplorer and The Book: Histories Across Time and Space.
- Hacking Mirador Workshop @ Harvard Introduce users to IIIF and Mirador and understand Mirador's capabilities.
- Biblissima Portal - Mirador as an embedded viewer displaying digitized medieval manuscripts and early printed books (either a single item or a collection of items). Mirador as a configurable workspace that gives users the ability to save persistently and share their viewing environment through a permalink.
- Biblissima Demos (use cases focused on manuscripts studies)
- Grandes Chroniques de France - Châteauroux BM ms. 5 - A slightly customized Mirador instance displaying the virtual reconstruction of the original state of a damaged French medieval manuscript (illuminations cuttings).
- Proto-BBMN 1713 - A Mirador instance showing a virtual reconstruction of the primitive state of the Bibliotheca bibliothecarum manuscriptorum nova (in 1713).
- Codex Florus "dispersus" - A Mirador 2 instance showing the virtual reconstruction of a dispersed manuscript of letters and sermons by Augustine (Paris, Geneva, St. Petersburg).
- UCLA Digital Library: Flexible Workspace - A fork of Mirador that replaces the default window layout manager with a more flexible one, allowing for finer-grained positioning and resizing of windows, and for combining windows into groups that can be dragged as one.
- vHMML - Mirador as an embedded viewer that provides access to The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library's (HMML) digital and microfilm collections.
- Art Institute of Chicago - An in-gallery implementation of Mirador with custom design work and added swipe capabilities. This implementation was designed and developed specifically for an iPad Pro using Kiosk Pro. An example here. Check out our 'inGallery' branch here:
- Irish Script on Screen