Workshop tool for recording tournaments and exporting them as data
I use overpy's decompiler to extract the data. Without it this project would have been a huge pain in the ass.
Wait for this list to fill up with the names of all the players:
Go to the website and paste into the box labeled "Input data from Overwatch.."
The data will be parsed into nice JSON for you to read in the bottom box.
Is this data from a tournament or PUG? Consider making a pull request to with your data. We're trying to compile a dataset for use in statistics and the creation of training modes -- maybe even, with enough data, an AI!
EVENTS: One array deep is the round. The next array deep is chunks of 50 events
There are 5 arrays inside of each chunk; each array is 50 long
The first array is timestamps; second is type (an enum, next post will have that), 3rd is the name of the attacker/healer, 4th is the name of the victim/healee, 5th is the associated value (the damage amount, the healing amount, or the direction of knockback)
For the type, 0 = Damage, 1 = Healing, 2 = Final Blow, 3 = Knockback
DATA: One array deep is the round. Two arrays is the player. Next is chunks of 50 pieces of data
Each chunk is made up of 50 elements, each one representing a single timestamp
0: MatchTime() + Millis,
1: EP_Alive,
2: EP_Position,
3: EP_Direction,
4: EP_Health,
5: EP_Velocity,
6: abilityFlags
EP = Event Player. Pretty self-explanatory. Ability Flags is special
enum Ability {
Ability1 = 1,
Ability2 = 2,
PrimaryFire = 4,
SecondaryFire = 8,
Melee = 16,
Ultimate = 32
It's equal to what abilities are active during that tick. Data is taken for all players at a 5 second interval but if I can I'm going to up it to 1 second.