My collection of erlang codes Please feel free to improve on codes. YouTube Videos
-Run the erlangRunner.bat file as admin to compile and run the application
-Run the compiler.bat to compile the source files
-Server will auto start
(NB) .bat file has to be edited to suit.
Installing Erlang on ubuntu linux
sudo apt-get install erlang erlang-doc
usage example
%%Register your node
%% call factorial function
server:rpc({factorial, node(),5}).
%% stop your current node and unregister
RPC multi node example
%% Register your node
%% call factorial function
%% stop your current node and unregister
usage example
Run the erlangRunner.bat file
factorial_system should start with it
If the application crashes the supervisor should reload it
%%Send request as the client
%% How to stop the application
%% Check if the application is still running
%% intensionally crash the app to restart supervisior but doesn't work needs fix
Download and compiling Chicagoboss
#Client (C#) and Server(Erlang) Socket Application#
Communication between erlang server and c# client using tcp socket. Commands can be sent from the c# client and executed on erlang.
##How to Run##
- Using intelliJ import the Socker Server.IML file
- Edit configuration and edit directory
- Rebuild and Run
- compile the socket_server application
- Run erlang with: erl -pa /beam PATH/ -sa socket_server start_server []
3*/4. Compile the client code using Visual Studios or Mono 5. Run and execute
Build a fault tolerant system using gen_server, supervisor and application behaviour
- Download Chicago boss - (
- (Using Windows) Extract and store in (C:\ChicagoBoss-0.8.7)
- Inside the chicagoBoss-0.X.X folder, shift+mouse right click and open command window here
- Compile rebar -> rebar compile
- After -> windows-make
Running the hello world project
-First of all make sure that the boss.config file Chicagoboss path is set: (C:\\ChicagoBoss-0.8.7 <---Note double back slash)
-shift+mouse right click on the hello world folder
-Compile rebar -> rebar compile
-After run start-server
-You should see the Erlang console loading up then go to:(localhost:8001)