Netrade is an AI trading assistant with human trader approach
This AI model will predict the price will go up
or go down
based on chart pattern and candlestick pattern
The data is available here
Chart pattern is enough for analyzing price will go up or go down as usualy traders do, here's some example:
Bechause of chart pattern has a limitation we need candle stick pattern to decide when we should buy or sell, here is some example
first row is bearish
candle stick pattern and the second row bulish
candle stick
We've been tested this model in 1 week and here's the result:
- model accuracy & loss
- profit
- Win & loss rate ( 61% win 39% loss )
- github
git clone
cd netrade && pip3 install torch torchmetrics scikit-image Pillow torchvision
- pypi
pip3 install netrade
This step devided into 2 step
download pre-trained model here but if you want to train with your own data, here's the step
Prepare The data
You should put your image in this pattern:chart: ----up: ------image1.png ------image2.png ----down: ------image1.png ------image2.png candle: ------image1.png ------image2.png ----down: ------image1.png ------image2.png
Make csv file that contain this field
chart_name candle_name path label filename.png filename.png down 0 filename.png filename.png up 1 filename.png filename.png down 0 filename.png filename.png down 0 filename.png filename.png up 1 you can do it by using data preprocessing helper easly
from import DataPreprocessing # initialize class chart = "/path/to/somwhere/chart/" candle = "/path/to/somewhere/candle" prep = DataPreprocessing(chart_path=chart, candle_path=candle) # create dataframe frame = prep.create_frame() frame.head()
Create image transformer
from torchvision import transforms # this is for chart pattern chart_transformer = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize((224, 224)), transforms.ToTensor() ]) # this is for candlestick pattern candle_transformer = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize((64, 64)), transforms.ToTensor() ])
Load your data with data loader
from import NetradeDataLoader # supposed you have created csv file like i mention above frame = pd.read_csv("file_training.csv") # load data and turn it into tensor train_data = NetradeDataLoader( chart_dir="/path/to/root/chart-pattern/", candle_dir="/path/to/root/candle-stick/", frame=frame, chart_transform=chart_transformer, candle_transform=candle_transformer ) # this data loader will return [chart image, candle image and labels]
Create bathes
from import DataLoader dataloader = DataLoader( train_data, batch_size=16, shuffle=True )
Run training loop
from netrade.core import Netrade import torch # initialize the model netrade = Netrade() # run training model, history = netrade.train(X_train=dataloader, epochs=10) # model is pure pytorch nn module that has been trained with your own data you can check it model.parameters() # history is the result from training loop print(history) # save the model's state, "name-it.pth")
If you want to use this model in real time data, you should prepare the comodity price history i.e bitcoin
or tesla
stock price. in this example I'll be using yfinance
to grab the historical data
from import data_creation
import yfinance as yf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ticker = yf.Ticker('BTC-USD')
data = ticker.history(period="7d", interval="15m")
# create chart image from realtime history data
# take the last 50 candle stick bar
chart_image = data_creation.create_image(data=data[-50:, :])
# take the last 3 candle stick bar
candle_image = data_creation.create_image(data=data[-3:, :])
# create_image returns PIL image class that you can use directly with pytorch
# you can show it by the way
It's time to predict real - time price, let's put everything together
from import data_creation
from netrade.core import Netrade
from torchvision import transforms
from PIL import Image
import yfinance as yf
# initialize the model
netrade = Netrade(saved_state_path="path-to-saved-state.pth")
# create image transformer
# this is for chart pattern
chart_transformer = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Resize((224, 224)),
# this is for candlestick pattern
candle_transformer = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Resize((64, 64)),
# load realtime data
ticker = yf.Ticker('BTC-USD')
data = ticker.history(period="7d", interval="15m")
# create chart image from real-time data
chart_image = data_creation.create_image(data=data[-50:, :])
candle_image = data_creation.create_image(data=data[-3:, :])
# turn image into tensor
chart_image = chart_transformer(chart_image)
candle_image = candle_transformer(candle_image)
# run prediction
preds = netrade.predict(chart_image=chart_image, candle_image=candle_image)
# print the result
print(preds.argmax(1)) # 0 price will go down, 1 price will go up