Releases: PyORBIT-Collaboration/virtual-accelerator
Safer PCASPY Importing
Type hint fix
Fixed type hints for the VirtualAccelerator and VirtualAcceleratorBuilder classes.
Adding Physics Nodes Fix
Fix to how physics nodes are added to the model when initializing the model.
Builder and Physics Devices
This update changes how the virtual accelerators are imported. There is now a builder class that allows for modifications before instancing the full virtual accelerator.
There are also now Physics devices and in OrbitModel Physics nodes. These return values not measurable by real diagnostics. These can be added to the current virtual accelerators using the new argument '--physics_nodes'.
Version 0.8.0: Importability
Virtual accelerators can now be imported into other scripts without starting an EPICS server. A new example script demonstrates the process.
Version 0.7.6: Virac Parser
This update added a new parser to Virac, allowing for better customization and automation of arguments when developing new beam lines.
Version 0.7.5: Pytest Integration
This update switches the GitHub workflow to use Pytest and removes the unused GitLab workflows.
Major update to v0.7.4
Supports main SNS accelerator, SNS BTF and a separate Injection Dump line.
Release 0.1.0
Merge pull request #1 from catheybl/main Major update to the Virtual Accelerator