Release v0.3.2beta
- Added camp window
- Added Inns
- Added sleeping, recovery and food consumption
- Added aging (artificial per day and normal per day, also added dying of age)
- Added spell learning
- Added item-targeted spells
- Identification
- Charge item
- Repair item
- Duplicate item
- Remove curses
- Added item detail box (for identified items)
- Added those tiny item animations for enchanting, consuming and destroying
- Broken items are now shown as broken
- Enabled spell book on map screen (not all spells implemented yet though)
- On battle start monster values are adjusted randomly a bit (as in original)
- Right-clicking a player on the battle field will open his inventory (as in original)
- Many item interaction adjustments (like broken items can't be used nor equipped, etc)
- Added cursed item effects
- Warriors and thieves have no SP bar anymore (as in original) and won't recover SP
- Spell list now shows the amount of remaining usages of each available spell
- Teleport cheat will no longer be possible when option menu is open
- Teleport cheat with random position won't end in freezing the game if there is no valid spot (e.g. full water map)
- Fixed LP/SP values
- Netsrak cheat will add all spells and not add the first 16 and remove the last 16