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add superset readme#
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QiXuanWang committed May 24, 2017
1 parent 6a13370 commit 9490824
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Showing 4 changed files with 254 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions MachineLearning.txt
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@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
Gradient Descent is very slow when data is huge, even if memory is big enough
Stochastic Gradient Descent reduces data needed for each iteration so as to speed up the calculation, with the cost of exponetial iteration number increase
Batch Gradient Descent
Usually, increase iteration numbers to reduce calculation for every iteration is a practical way to speedup
Matrix Direct Solve method is very fast when data is small

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions index.html
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
This is a test page in hotfix

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions python.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
stared expression (PEP-3132)
a, b, c = seq[0], list(seq[1:-1]), seq[-1]
a, *b, c = seq
[a, *b, c] = seq
245 changes: 245 additions & 0 deletions superset.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
Use pip install superset would solve.
Official support is for Python2.7 but Python3 works
python bin/superset runserver -d

How to add data/table/slice into DB:
1. add load_stock() function in data/
1.1 Define tbl_name = "stock_table"
1.2 prepare/store data for DB, in superset, pandas.to_sql() is used.
Notice, dtype={ } is necessary for later sqllab manipulation. Every type in dtype should be the real column name in DB. And they should be in json data set but json data could contains more. For example, in birht_names.json, we have additional "sum_boys" and "sum_girls", which I guess will be used in metrics parameter?
1.3 create tbl object:
tbl = TBL(table_name=tbl_name) # generate a table with tbl_name
TBL is a "models.SqlaTable" object
1.4 submit tbl into db with traditional sqlalchemy db.session.commit()
1.5 createl slc = Slice(...) object
Slice is a "models.Slice" object. Below is parameter meanings:
slice_name: string, as indicated
viz_type: string, 'bubble', 'heatmap', etc, predefined, customizable
datasource_type: string, used in Sources->"Datasource&Chart Type" view
datasource_id:, multiple slice could use same table?
params: json, get_slice_json(...), get_slice_json function will update default parameters with user defined values. Read "defaults" for more info. Notice this parameter will be different for different viz_type.
defaults: json obj, default params for Slice obj
viz_type: string, same as top level viz_type par
since: string, datetime for data begin
until: string, datetime for data end
series: string, bubble chart specialized, use same color for 1 serie
limit: string, TODO
entity: string, TODO
x: string, x label name
y: string, y label name
size: string, lable for bubble type?
max_bubble_size: string, string of a integer for bubble size
num_period_compare: string, period
Final merge_slice(slc) step is to add slice into DB
when there is a dashboard, Slice() defined should be added and committed into DB
1.6 create dashboard if necessary, dash = Dash()

2. add "load_stocks()" function in
2.1 This is the major entrance to load data. called by superset/, and will call data.load_stock()

3. Even if add data directly into DB, Table format should follow the guideline especially for DateTime format.

How to add new viz type
First, my comment on github on bubble viz:
1. You need to run "pd.to_datetime()" to convert datetime to SQL recognized datetime format.
2. In pd.to_sql(), dtype parameter is necessary for at least 3 parameter:
a. DateTime() for your datetime parameter.
b. Series parameter for bubble chart must be String() type
c. Entity parameter for bubble chart must be String() type
Otherwise, none of above could recognize correctly in sqlab somehow. Maybe it's common sense but just record here in case it's not.
3. Metric is probably defined in views/, and showed in Sources->"List Sql Metric"

Second, the real part, use BubbleViz as example
1. add "class BubbleViz" in, notice some important parameters and functions to be defined

class BubbleViz(NVD3Viz):

"""Based on the NVD3 bubble chart"""
# calls BaseViz.__init__(....)

viz_type = "bubble" # necessary
verbose_name = _("Bubble Chart")
is_timeseries = False # where it's used?

def query_obj(self):
form_data = self.form_data
d = super(BubbleViz, self).query_obj()
d['groupby'] = list({
self.x_metric = form_data.get('x')
self.y_metric = form_data.get('y')
self.z_metric = form_data.get('size') # z metric is size
self.entity = form_data.get('entity')
self.series = form_data.get('series')

d['metrics'] = [ # This is the metrics showed in SQL Query view
if not all(d['metrics'] + [self.entity, self.series]):
raise Exception("Pick a metric for x, y and size")
return d

def get_data(self, df):
df['x'] = df[[self.x_metric]]
df['y'] = df[[self.y_metric]]
df['size'] = df[[self.z_metric]]
df['shape'] = 'circle'
df['group'] = df[[self.series]]

series = defaultdict(list)
for row in df.to_dict(orient='records'):
chart_data = []
for k, v in series.items():
'key': k,
'values': v})
return chart_data

2. add BubbleViz into viz_types_list
3. add bubble vizType code into assets/visualizations/nvd3_vis.js
function nvd3Vis(slice, payload) {
const drawGraph = function () {
let svg ='svg')
switch (vizType) {
case 'bubble':
chart = nv.models.scatterChart()
chart.tooltip.contentGenerator(function (obj) {
return s;
module.exports = nvd3Vis

used in main.js by "require('./nvd3_vis.js')

4. add bubble map to assets/visualizations/main.js
5. in assets/javascripts/modules/superset.js,
import vizMap from "../../visualizations/main
const px = function () {
return {
} ();
module.exports = px;
px is used in assets/javascripts/dashboard/Dashboard.jsx

Slice is a report or a view on data
class Slice(Model, AuditMixinNullable, ImportMixin):
__tablename__ = 'slices'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

class ImportMixin(object):
#defined severall methods for dashboard manipulation
class AuditMixinNullable(AuditMixin):
class Model:
#This is the flask_appbuilder.Model, check flask_appbuilder/models/sqla/
# It is indeed a SQLA table definition with ORM

======================== is not related to flask-appbuilder. It contains all visualizations that superset can render. It defines certain functions like "query_obj" to return data
class BaseViz(object):
def get_df(self, query_obj=None):
def get_data(self, df):
return []
def query_obj(self):
return d;
def data(self):
return content
class NVD3Viz(BaseViz):
viz_type = None
class BubbleViz(NVD3Viz):
viz_type = "bubble"
fieldsets = ({...})
viz_types_list = [...]

Superset is built on top of flask_appbuilder
In earlier superset, is at top level, later its models/ directory. And same codes are put models/
in superset/, defines the basic/minimum Flask-AppBuilder frame
app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLA(app)
appbuilder=AppBuilder(app, db.session, ....)

And in, flask_script is used. (runserver is not used?)
from flask_script import Manager
manager = Manager(app)

Then in superset/bin/superset is called to run the app

View defines what to be shown. Detail columns, strings, etc
In views/, views are added
# SupersetModelView is actually ModelView
class DatabaseView(SupersetModelView, DeleteMixin):
datamodel = SQLAInterface(models.Database)
appbuilder.add_view(DatabaseView, "Databases", ...)
class SlideModelView(SupersetModelView, DeleteMixin):
datamodel = SQLAInterface(models.Slice)
label_columns = {...}
search_columsn = {...}
list_columns = {...}
edit_columns = [...] # this is displayed when you click edit for slice
label_columns = {...} # showed in Slices view
appbuilder.add_view(SliceModelView, "Slices", ...)

Model is SQLA declarative class (models/sqla/, it will define table names automatcally.(not Mixin?) But you still can define __tablename__ if needed
@as_declarative(name='Model', metaclass=ModelDeclarativeMeta)
class Model(object):
__table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}

# a slice is a report or view on data
class Slice(Model, AuditMixinNullable, ImportMixin):
__tablename__ = 'slices'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
datasource_id = Column(Integer)
datasource_type = Column(String(200))
datasource_name = Column(String(2000))
viz_type = Column(String(250))
params = Column(Text) # this is updated during Slice() instantiation
export_fields = ('slice_name','datasource_type',...) # where it's used?

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