This project aims to be the formalization of elementary mathematics in the COQ proof assistant. I said "elementary" because I will try to formalize the content of my first math CPGE year. Of course, because of the huge lack of time in this kind of study, it is likelly that a lot of content is missing. However, I will do my best to keep the whole project coherent :) The architecture of the project (i.e. the mathematical content organisatioN) should be based on strong foundations. This means that I will try as much as possible to be the least dependent possible to external librairies (such as the stdlib). Of course, I don't want to reinvent the wheel, so it is likely that I grab a lot of basic content from these libraries, and rewrite it a bit to make it coherent with the rest of the project. (Every authors' rights will be respected.)
I hope this project will help people trying to use COQ. It is very difficult for students to use it well. I think (And this is what I personnally felt) it's even more difficult than it is sorely lacking simple examples on the internet. I am far from an experienced user of COQ, so this repository may also be a way to show what I am doing, and to allow people to share better practices. I also hope this project will introduce school courses in a different guise, and maybe to deepen certain points formally (For me and for you).
Every contributions are welcome ! However, if you want to contribute, please let me know first. I would like every (math) topics of this project be linked. Not really a content link, but a formal link : everything should be based on other part of the project (unless it is a new topic). But once again, please avoid adding content that exceeds the "level" of the rest of the project.
The project comes with a linux shell script to generate the Makefile : (it uses coq_makefile)
If may launch make if nothing went wrong.
If you modified some files, you can rebuild the whole project with
make -jX # Where X is the number of cores
If you added some files, you will have to edit the build script, and reprocess it.
The project use a custom version of coqdoc (available in the coqdoc/ directory) : you have to build it first :
cd coqdoc
cd ..
You can then generate the HTML documentation with :
make html
/!\ Documentation comment are only purposed for HTML documentation, because it uses Mathjax /!\
I licensed this project under GPL, even if I think it is more intented for learning purpose (Who knows ? Someone could find a real use of this stuff :p). Cf the CONTRIBUTORS file, that list everybody that help or contribute to this project. For more informations about the GPL license, refer to the LICENSE file. A really big part of the content I upload may be strongly inspired from my math courses. I am studying in the Chateaubriand high school in France, and every rights about this courses belongs to my math professor.
Thanks for reading ! If you have any questions, or if you would like to contact me, please email : barnabe [dot] chauvin [at] gmail [dot] com