First, make sure you have pip
installed for python3 and gulp
$ curl '' | sudo python3 -
$ sudo npm install -g gulp
Now, install all the dependencies,
$ sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Compile the front-end code,
$ cd web
$ npm install
$ gulp production
$ cd ..
Lastly, you'll want to decrypt the config files. Simply run,
$ python3 decrypt config.conf.enc > config.conf
Similarly, if you changed the config.conf
file, run the following to encrypt
your changes,
$ python3 encrypt config.conf > config.conf.enc
Finally, run the script,
$ python3
Normally when creating a showtime, we take the passphrase that encrypts that
show and split it into shares. At least 2 of these shares are required to
decrypt the contents of that show. If you set share_threshold
in config to 1,
we instead just send out the passphrase to make development easier. The
endpoint will take either multiple shares
(as we would
expect in production) or a passphrase
option for the dev case. Just remember
to change the dev:shares_email
config field in config.conf
so that you get
the e-mail with the passphrase!