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aroelo committed Oct 30, 2017
1 parent 38582d5 commit 41d1ee4
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Expand Up @@ -221,3 +221,32 @@ FakesAssemblies/

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140 changes: 140 additions & 0 deletions AudioAnalysis/RCode/Aniek/HMM.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
########### gympie civil dawn
#read in the sequence from the fasta file
fastacd2gympie = readBStringSet('/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/Fastafiles/Gympie_letters_civildawn.txt', format="fasta",
nrec=-1L, skip=0L, seek.first.rec=FALSE, use.names=TRUE)
#Create sequences of equal length, therefore remove the last day because it is significantly shorter
#And remove the last one/two minutes of each sequence so they are all equal
fastacd2gympie = fastacd2gympie[1:397]
gympiecd = subseq(fastacd2gympie, 1, 1438)

#Create a state sequence object that can be used to build a HMM
stateseqgympiecd = seqdef(gympiecd,id = names(gympiecd), missing = '-')

#Initialize the HMM with 7 different states representing rain, birds, etc..
init_hmm_gympiecd = build_hmm(observations=stateseqgympiecd, n_states=7)

#Fit the model to the given observations/sequences
hmm_gympiecd = fit_model(init_hmm_gympiecd)

#Calculate the hidden state path sequence for each day
hidpaths_gympiecd = hidden_paths(hmm_gympiecd$model)

#Plot out the hidden state path sequences
jpeg("/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/HMM/hiddenstates/gympiecd.jpeg", 2000, 2000, quality = 100)
ssplot(hmm_gympiecd$model, hidpaths_gympiecd,plots="hidden.paths", type = "I")

#Show the state transition probabilities and emission probabilties in the form of a graph
jpeg("/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/HMM/statetransitiongympiecd.jpeg", 1000, 1000, quality = 100)
plot(hmm_gympiecd$model,vertex.label='names',combine.slices = 0.05, cpal = colorpalette[[50]])

########### woondum civil dawn
fastacd2woondum = readBStringSet('/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/Fastafiles/Woondum_letters_civildawn.txt', format="fasta",
nrec=-1L, skip=0L, seek.first.rec=FALSE, use.names=TRUE)
fastacd2woondum = fastacd2woondum[1:397]
woondumcd = subseq(fastacd2woondum, 1, 1438)
stateseqwoondumcd = seqdef(woondumcd,id = names(woondumcd), missing = '-')
init_hmm_woondumcd = build_hmm(observations=stateseqwoondumcd, n_states=7)
hmm_woondumcd = fit_model(init_hmm_woondumcd)
hidpaths_woondumcd = hidden_paths(hmm_woondumcd$model)

jpeg("/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/HMM/hiddenstates/woondumcd.jpeg", 2000, 2000, quality = 100)
ssplot(hmm_woondumcd$model, hidpaths_woondumcd,plots="hidden.paths", type = "I")

jpeg("/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/HMM/statetransitionwoondumcd.jpeg", 1000, 1000, quality = 100)
plot(hmm_woondumcd$model,vertex.label='names',combine.slices = 0.05, cpal = colorpalette[[50]])

########### gympie midnight
fastamn2gympie = readBStringSet('/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/Fastafiles/Gympie_letters_midnight.txt', format="fasta",
nrec=-1L, skip=0L, seek.first.rec=FALSE, use.names=TRUE)

########### woondum midnight
fastamn2woondum = readBStringSet('/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/Fastafiles/Woondum_letters_midnight.txt', format="fasta",
nrec=-1L, skip=0L, seek.first.rec=FALSE, use.names=TRUE)
stateseqwoondum = seqdef(fastamn2woondum,id = names(fastamn2woondum), missing = '-')
init_hmm_woondummn = build_hmm(observations=stateseqwoondum, n_states=7)
hmm_woondummn = fit_model(init_hmm_woondummn)
hidpaths_woondummn = hidden_paths(hmm_woondummn$model)

#two channels, one for each location civildawn
stateseqs = list(stateseqgympiecd,stateseqwoondumcd)
init_hmm_bothcd = build_hmm(observations=stateseqs, n_states = 7, channel_names = c("Gympie","Woondum"))
hmm_bothcd = fit_model(init_hmm_bothcd)
hidpaths_bothcd = hidden_paths(hmm_bothcd$model)

jpeg("/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/HMM/hiddenstates/bothcd.jpeg", 2000, 2000, quality = 100)
ssplot(hmm_bothcd$model, hidpaths_bothcd,plots="hidden.paths", type = "I")

jpeg("/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/HMM/bothcdobservationss.jpeg", 2000, 2000, quality = 100)
ssplot(hmm_bothcd$model, hidpaths_bothcd,plots="obs", type = "I", cpal = colorpalette[[50]])

jpeg("/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/HMM/statetransitionbothcd.jpeg", 1000, 1000, quality = 100)
plot(hmm_woondumcd$model,vertex.label='names',combine.slices = 0.05, cpal = colorpalette[[50]])

#datasets of gympie and woondum combined civil dawn
combcd = append(gympiecd, woondumcd)
stateseqscd = seqdef(combcd,id = names(combcd), missing = '-', cpal = colorpalette[[50]])
init_hmm_combcd = build_hmm(observations=stateseqscd, n_states = 7, state_names = list("G","A","V","L","I","F","Y"))
hmm_combcd = fit_model(init_hmm_combcd)
hidpaths_combcd = hidden_paths(hmm_combcd$model)

jpeg("/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/HMM/hiddenstates/combcd.jpeg", 2000, 2000, quality = 100)
ssplot(hmm_combcd$model, hidpaths_combcd,plots="hidden.paths", type = "I")

jpeg("/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/HMM/combcdobservations.jpeg", 2000, 2000, quality = 100)
ssplot(hmm_combcd$model, hidpaths_combcd,plots="obs", type = "I", tlim= 1:397)

jpeg("/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/HMM/statetransitioncombcd.jpeg", 1000, 1000, quality = 100)
plot(hmm_combcd$model,vertex.label='names',combine.slices = 0.05)

####### split hiddenstatepath data on seasons for Gympie
#days since the start of the experiment that correspond with the start and ending date of the season
winter = c(346:397,1:71)
spring = 72:162
summer = 163:253
autumn = 254:345

#the hidden state sequences for each season in a stslist format
winter_hidstateseqgympie = hidpaths_combcd[winter,][1:length(winter),]
spring_hidstateseqgympie = hidpaths_combcd[spring,][1:length(spring),]
summer_hidstateseqgympie = hidpaths_combcd[summer,][1:length(summer),]
autumn_hidstateseqgympie = hidpaths_combcd[autumn,][1:length(autumn),]

#creates a list of the hidden state sequences which can be used to write out a fasta file
makeseqlist = function(season,numberdays){
seqlist = list()
for (i in seq(1,numberdays,1)){
seqlist[[i]] = t(season)[,i]
i = i+ 1

#Create a list containing the hidden state sequences and write out a fasta file
wintergympiecd = makeseqlist(winter_hidstateseqgympie, length(winter))
write.fasta(wintergympiecd, names = names(combcd)[winter], file.out = "/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/HMM/hiddenstates/fastafiles/wintergympiecd.txt")

springgympiecd = makeseqlist(spring_hidstateseqgympie, length(spring))
write.fasta(springgympiecd, names = names(combcd)[spring], file.out = "/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/HMM/hiddenstates/fastafiles/springgympiecd.txt")

summergympiecd = makeseqlist(summer_hidstateseqgympie, length(summer))
write.fasta(summergympiecd, names = names(combcd)[summer], file.out = "/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/HMM/hiddenstates/fastafiles/summergympiecd.txt")

autumngympiecd = makeseqlist(autumn_hidstateseqgympie, length(autumn))
write.fasta(autumngympiecd, names = names(combcd)[autumn], file.out = "/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/HMM/hiddenstates/fastafiles/autumngympiecd.txt")

test = readBStringSet("/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/HMM/hiddenstates/fastafiles/wintergympiecd.txt", format="fasta",
nrec=-1L, skip=0L, seek.first.rec=FALSE, use.names=TRUE)
letterFrequency(test, uniqueLetters(test))
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions AudioAnalysis/RCode/Aniek/createmedoids.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#Calculate the centroids of the acoustic indices
# woondum = excel file /Volumes/Nifty/QUT/Yvonne_AcousticData_WoondumAndGympie/Cluster50NormalisedIndexFeatures_Gympie2015June22.csv

#create empty date frame where the centroids values will be stored
centroids = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 12, nrow =50))
#For different subsets of data based on cluster_list the mean of every column will be calculated
#The mean of every column for every subset is stored in centroids
for (col in seq(3,ncol(woondum))){
centroids[,col-2] = aggregate(woondum[[col]] ~ cluster_list, mean, data=woondum)[2]

#Ignore the first two columns in woondum; cluster_list & minute_reference
colnames(centroids) = colnames(woondum)[3:14]

#create an empty data frame to store the medoids
medoids = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 12, nrow =50))

#For every subset
for (i in seq(1,50)){
#create a subset of the data based on cluster number
subset = woondum[which(woondum$cluster_list==i),]
smallest_distance = 1000

#Iterate through every row in the subset
for (row in seq(1,nrow(subset))){
#Calculate the distance between the current row in the subset and the centroid of the given subset
distance = (dist(rbind(subset[row,3:14],centroids[i,])))

#Save the row that has the smallest distance as the medoid for that subset/cluster
if (distance<smallest_distance){
smallest_distance = distance
medoids[i,] = subset[row,3:14]

distmatrix = dist(medoids)
hc = hclust(distmatrix)
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions AudioAnalysis/RCode/Aniek/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
from datetime import timedelta, date
import datetime

#creates a text file with the date and the number of days that went by since the start date of the experiment
with open('/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/Scripts/datelist.txt', 'w') as file:
d = date(2015,06,22)
delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
number = 1
while d <= date(2016,07,23):
file.write(d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ' ' + str(number) + '\n')
d += delta
number += 1
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions AudioAnalysis/RCode/Aniek/seqlogo.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
subset = function(fasta, start, stop){
subsetseq = c()
for (seq in fasta){
subsetseq = c(subsetseq, substr(seq,start,stop))

fasta = readBStringSet('/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/Scripts/Gympie_letters_midnight.txt', format="fasta",
nrec=-1L, skip=0L, seek.first.rec=FALSE, use.names=TRUE)
fasta1 = readAAStringSet('/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/Scripts/Gympie_letters_midnight.txt', format="fasta",
nrec=-1L, skip=0L, seek.first.rec=FALSE, use.names=TRUE)
fasta2 = read.fasta('/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/Fastafiles/Gympie_letters_midnight.txt',as.string='TRUE',seqonly='TRUE')

ggplot() + geom_logo(fasta2,seq_type="other",col_scheme = 'taylor',namespace="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",font="akrobat_bold") + theme_logo()

fastacd = read.fasta('/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/Scripts/Gympie_letters_civildawn.txt',as.string='TRUE',seqonly='TRUE')
fastacdvec = read.fasta('/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/Fastafiles/Gympie_letters_civildawn.txt')
fastacd2 = readBStringSet('/Volumes/Nifty/QUT/Fastafiles/Gympie_letters_civildawn.txt', format="fasta",
nrec=-1L, skip=0L, seek.first.rec=FALSE, use.names=TRUE)

ggplot() + geom_logo(fastacd700,method = 'probability',seq_type="other",col_scheme = 'taylor',namespace="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",font="akrobat_bold") + theme_logo()
january = fastacd[1:31]
january100 = subset(january,1,100)
ggplot() + geom_logo(january,method = 'probability',seq_type="other",col_scheme = 'taylor',namespace="BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",font="akrobat_bold") + theme_logo()

#Calculate the frequency of each letter per sequence gympie
freq = letterFrequency(fasta, letters = uniqueLetters(fasta))
freqtotal = sort(colSums(freq),decreasing=TRUE)
freqtotalperc = (freqtotal*100)/sum(freqtotal)
barplot(freqtotalperc,names.arg = names(freqtotal),las='2', col = colorpalette[[50]])

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