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Straightforward realtime kanban boards management for intuitive task tracking. 4ga Boards features an elegant dark mode, collapsible todo lists, and multitasking tools to supercharge your team's productivity.


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4ga Boards

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4ga Boards

Straightforward boards system for realtime project management



  • Dark Mode
  • Intuitive UI/UX
  • Advanced Markdown Editor
  • Export/Import Boards
  • Web App Design - realtime updates without reloading page
  • Multitasking Capabilities - simultaneously edit/review cards and filter/rearrange the board, while keeping local description changes
  • Google SSO Login/Register (Github/Microsoft - Coming soon)
  • Simplistic Wide Screen Design - minimal clutter and no wasted space
  • Powerful Shortcuts
  • Multiple Language Support (EN, PL, FR - 100%, other languages - partial support)
  • Collapsable Lists and Sidebar - saves screen space and allows for easier navigation in complex projects
  • Multi-level Hierarchy - projects -> boards -> lists -> cards -> tasks
  • Github 2-way sync - Coming soon

More Features


Try 4ga Boards now!


English | Polski


4ga Boards Website

Don't want to get your hands dirty?
Check 4ga Boards Professional Hosting.


4ga Boards Roadmap


  1. Docker Compose (Recommended)
  2. Kubernetes
  3. TrueNAS
  4. Manual

Docker Compose (Recommended)

Requirements: Docker, Docker Compose

Download docker-compose.yml (or create docker-compose.yml based on the example)

curl -L -o docker-compose.yml

Configure 4ga Boards instance variables

Configure environment sections in docker-compose.yml:

Edit BASE_URL to match your domain name or IP address.
Edit SECRET_KEY with a random value. You can generate it by openssl rand -hex 64.
Edit POSTGRES_PASSWORD and DATABASE_URL replacing notpassword with randomly generated db password.
4ga Boards instance variables

Pull images and start 4ga Boards

docker compose up -d

Default 4ga Boards url: http://localhost:3000
Default user: demo
Default password: demo

Backup and Restore

Before executing backup/restore scripts, change current directory to the directory where docker-compose.yml is located.

Backup 4ga Boards instance data


Restore 4ga Boards instance data

./ 4gaBoards-backup.tgz

You can use any relative path.

When restoring, the password has to match docker-compose password (If you don't remember it, you can set new password in docker-compose, but you have to skip altering the default user in backup.tgz/postgres.sql file e.g. comment line ALTER ROLE postgres WITH SUPERUSER INHERIT CREATEROLE CREATEDB LOGIN REPLICATION BYPASSRLS PASSWORD 'XXX' before restoring the backup).

Import from Trello

It's already available in 4ga Boards. Just add a project, then click Import while creating a new board.


Requirements: Node.js
Optional requirements: Docker, Docker Compose

Clone 4ga Boards repository into a directory of your choice

git clone .

Install dependencies

npm i

Copy .env

cp server/.env.sample server/.env

Optional: Build client, copy build to the server directory to suppress startup warnings

npm run client:build
cp -r client/build server/public
cp client/build/index.html server/views/index.ejs

Start the provided development database (Optionally, use your own database)

docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d

If using your own database, edit DATABASE_URL in server/.env.

Initialize the database

npm run server:db:init

Start the development server

npm start

Default 4ga Boards url: http://localhost:3000
Default user: demo
Default password: demo

Web Server Configuration

Web Server Configuration

SSO (Single Sign-On)



Full 4ga Boards Contribution Guidelines


Full 4ga Boards Security Information

Tech Stack

  • React, Redux, Redux-Saga, Redux-ORM, react-beautiful-dnd, floating-ui
  • Sails.js, Knex.js
  • PostgreSQL


MIT license

Main Maintainers

RARgames wilkobyl