Literally Automate the boring stuff with Python, allows the user to record his mouse and keyboard actions and reproduce them identically as many times as he wants.
I've mainly used it to automate gold/point/XP farming in games, I think this can also be used to:
- Automate a demo during a conference for example
- Automate UAT in the devops process (as long as you're making something with a GUI).
- Download and save individual responses from Google Forms in PDF format with names based on some form field
If you use it for something really cool you can always reach me at github (at) rmpr (dot) xyz or drop a PR :). Bonus points if you have a demo video.
You can download and run the installer/archive for your operating system (currently Windows and Linux) from here
sudo dnf install python3-wxpython4 python3-xlib python3-tkinter
git clone && cd atbswp
make prepare-dev
make run
sudo apt install git python3-dev python3-tk python3-setuptools python3-wheel python3-pip python3-wxgtk4.0
git clone && cd atbswp
python3 -m pip install pyautogui pynput --user
python3 atbswp/
Also available on the AUR
sudo pacman -S tk python-wxpython
python3 -m pip install pyautogui pynput --user
git clone && cd atbswp
python3 atbswp/
git clone
cd atbswp\
pip install wxPython pyautogui pynput
python atbswp\
If you found this helpful.
Contributions are welcomed, see
On Linux, this only works with Xorg, with wayland support coming soon, for now you have to enable Xorg.
sudo sed 's/#WaylandEnable=false/WaylandEnable=false/' /etc/gdm/custom.conf -i # on Gnome
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