This project in organized in modules based on the clean-architecture structure : separation between domain / data & view
This module contains the models & the use cases of the application, in kotlin only. In "domain" module packages are organized by entity
- domain
- user
- activities
- meal
- etc...
Each package contains the models, enums & repository related to the package scope.
- Declare a new model using kotlin data class with primary constructor
data class Model(val attribute1, val attribute2, ...)
- Create Repository Interface with model use case. Repository Interface must be post-fixed with "Repository". You can populate the repository with use case method later.
interface ModelRepository {
// use case 1 : -> create new Model
suspend fun create(model: Model)
// use case 2 : -> delete Model
suspend fun delete(model: Model)
- You can also declare enum class in the scope using kotlin enum class. Enum value must be UpperCase with _ separator. The domain enum can called within any app module.
enum class ModelType {
In "data" module packages are organized by type
repository : The package database contains the domain repository implementation
di ( dependence injection )
- entity : contain Room Database Entity.
- dao : contain Room Database DAO
Declare new Entity using kotlin data class, Post-fix the data class with "Entity"
Override the table name for replace the interface name with simple word ex : @Entity(tableName = "user") replace "UserEntity".
Add mapping method to convert Data/Entity into Domain/Model and reverse. In data class create method : to.
Outside of the data class declare an extension of the domain : toEntity.
@Entity(tableName = "models")
data class ModelEntity(val attribute1: String, ...) {
fun to<Model>() = Model(...)
fun Model.toModelEntity() = ModelEntity(...)
Also if your Entity contains attribute with Enum type you need to create a type converter to convert the enum value to Int in database. Manage the null case conversion in @TypeConverter
fun TypeToInt(type: Type?): Int? = ...
- Declare new Dao & Add it to the Database
interface ModelDao { }
- Create Repository implementation in data/repository package
This module contains the Application Android based on MVVM Architecture
Package structured by functional scope - Activity, Application, etc... - common * extension : contain common extension ex : StringExtension, DateExtension, etc... - error : contain error enum class ex : InputError, InternalError, etc... - binding : contain @BindingAdapter to convert X into value in layout attribute. - user - meal - etc...
The module activities using Navigation Component, with multiple activities.
- Activity : empty activity. Use annotation @AndroidEntryPoint to import the Hilt module within activity
class HomeActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
- Only create layout activity_.xml with NavigationComponent.
<merge xmlns:android=""
tools:context="<path to activity>">
app:navGraph="@navigation/<navigation_graph>" />
For each activity create a navigation graph using the activity name - navigation_main
MVVM + Data Binding
- Create Model of View class. Post fix the name of the class with Model.
- The class must extend BaseObservable()
- The class must implement mapping method : ModelOfView.toModel() : Model
- The class must implement mapping method (extension) : Model.toModelOfView(): ModelOfView
- The class must provide observable field error
- The class must implement auto validation method on the observable field, use set() method to manage validation & error display.
class NameOfFragmentModel(val attribute1: String? = null, ...) : BaseObservable() {
var attribute1: String? = null
set(value) {
attribute1Error = ... // call validation method and return error InputError
field = value
var attribute1Error: InputError? = null
var isValidate: Boolean = false
fun toModel(): Model {
return if (attribute1 != null) {
Model(attribute1, ...)
} else {
throw ClassCastException("Unable to cast NameOfFragmentModel in Model")
private fun validate() {
isValidate = attribute1Error == null
- Create your Fragment with associated ViewModel.
- Use annotation @AndroidEntryPoint for Hilt module injection.
- Use auto generated binding class (NameOfTheLayout) to init the data binding with onCreateView().
- Use auto generated binding class component to init the listener withing Fragment.
- Use Hilt to inject the viewModel
class Fragment : Fragment() {
private val viewModel: ViewModel by viewModels()
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View {
val binding = GeneratedBinding.inflate(inflater, container, false)
binding.model = this.userFormViewModel.model
binding.button.setOnClickListener { view -> ... }
return binding.root
- Create layout file with encapsulation .
- Section can be empty or null
- Section contains & used within the layout.
- Call the variable within layout attribute.
- One-way Data Binding (Update value -> Update Layout) : text="@{}"
- Two-way Data Binding (Update value <-> Update Layout) : text="@={}"
<import type="View"/>
<variable name="modelOfView" type="com...user.ModelOfView"/>