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Elsa Gonsiorowski, PhD edited this page Mar 28, 2019 · 9 revisions

Getting started

ROSS can be installed quickly by following these simple steps:

  • Download the source:

    git clone

  • Create a new ross-build directory:

    mkdir ross-build

  • Change directories to ross-build:

    cd ross-build

  • We use CMake to build ROSS. Make sure it is installed. Then do one of:

  • To build ROSS with ROSS models as most students will do, run the commands:



  • Or if you would prefer to build ROSS without the models, run the build-script shell script, located within the rossnet directory:


  • Optional Test the build

    make test All of the tests should pass

Once everything has built correctly, we can construct a simple model as an example on how to use the ROSS framework. Continue on to the section Constructing the Model or you can jump straight to the section Running the Simulator and skip a little background on developing models.

Common Issues

  • If MPI cannot be found by CMake, a workaround is to set the environment variable CC=mpicc (or the name of the mpi compiler on your system) before running the cmake command.

Running on CCNI Blue Gene

  • Login to the landing pad

  • Change to your project directory on either the large or small

  • Download the source from git hub using these directions

  • Login to the Front End Node

    ssh fen

  • Change to the directory you downloaded ROSS to

  • Create and change to a build directory

    mkdir ross-build

    cd ross-build

  • If using the BGQ:

    module load xl (must be done before the next step)

  • Set the following variables


  • Build using cmake (try cmake28 on the Q)

    cmake ../ROSS

    make -j 12

  • Create a run file

mpirun -np 1024 -mode VN -cwd /gpfs/large/RSNT/RSNTgons/rossnet-build/ross/models/gates gates --synch=2 --end=100
  • Submit your job

    sbatch -p bigmem --nodes 512 ./

  • Check up on your submitted jobs


  • See how your job is running, note: command never terminates, even if job completes

    tail -f slurm-JOBID.out

  • Cancel a job

    scancel jobid

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