Learning to Git
This is an edit to the README I'm using to understand how to use Git.
This is the Hello-World repository.
A repository is the home of a file. I think. It is the collection of branches, commits, comments, and pull requests for a file.
The master "branch" is, quite literally the master copy of the file. Other branches such as "readme-edits" are the in progress changes that are being made, ie the work in progress. The commits to a branch would ultimately be made to the master file.
If I want to make changes to code for a side project or edit I would create a new branch!
For example: Weather Station Power Monitoring with the INA219 might be a "INA219" branch.
This sort of file I would like to keep eventually so I need to figure out how to make it it's own repository eventually.
Commits are the running changes to a branch that are being made. They would be like the "Save: Version_X.1; Save: Version_X.2"
Pull request:
A pull request is a proposed change to the master branch. It is "request" to have those edits added to the master. The pull request shows the additions (green) and subractions (red).
It shows the "diffs" or differences between the master and the current branch.
A merge adds the changes to the "master" file in the selected repository. This updates the master with the changes made AND keeps a record of those changes.