Monitor iOS app version easily.
You can get previous version and installation history.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- iOS 9.0 +
- Semantic Versioning
AppVersionMonitor is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "AppVersionMonitor"
// AppDelegate
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(application: UIApplication) {
let currentVersion: AppVersion = AppVersion.marketingVersion
let versionString: String = AppVersion.marketingVersion.versionString // "1.2.3"
let installedVersions: [AppVersion] = AppVersionMonitor.sharedMonitor.installedVersions
AppVersion.marketingVersion > AppVersion("1.2.3")
AppVersion("1.2.3") < AppVersion("3.2.1")
AppVersion("1.2.3") < "3.2.1"
switch AppVersionMonitor.sharedMonitor.state {
case .Installed:
// Do something when app installed.
// Happy! 🍻
// ex. Start tutorial.
case .NotChanged:
// Do something when version not changed.
// Peace 😌
// Nothing to do?
case .Upgraded(let previousVersion: AppVersion):
// Do something when version upgraded.
// Yeah! 😝
// ex. Migrate App Data.
case .Downgraded(let previousVersion: AppVersion):
// Do something when version downgraded. (Impossible normally)
// What happened? 😵
// ex. Purge App Data.
muukii [email protected]
AppVersionMonitor is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.