WARN: If you’re reading this on GitHub, this may correspond to the documentation of the develop
If you want documentation of the latest released version please go to pages.
The main objective of this miner is to acquire Twitch channel points automatically. Other forms of point, like those provided by bots through IRC (Streamlabs, etc.), isn’t in the scope of the miner.
Watch streams for you, earning the baseline points as you watch.
Get the watch streak points by watching streams regularly.
Claim bonus points when they are available.
Follow raids.
Participate and claim campaigns.
Join IRC chat.
Participate in predictions and record peoples predictions.
Claim moments.
Twitch makes it so that only 2 streamers can be watched at once. However, actions that are not watching are not limited. This includes raids and predictions.
This project heavily inspired by Tkd-Alex/Twitch-Channel-Points-Miner-v2, just doing it my own way.
Java 17+ is required.
Clone this repository
git clone [email protected]:RakSrinaNa/ChannelPointsMiner.git
. -
Get into the cloned directory
cd ChannelPointsMiner
. -
Build the jar
./gradlew build -x test
java -jar miner/build/libs/miner-shaded.jar --settings config.json
With your own logger:
java -Dlog4j.configurationFile=log4j2.xml -jar miner/build/libs/miner-shaded.jar --settings config.json
Image mrcraftcod/channel-points-miner can be used.
Here’s an example dockerfile:
version: "3.9"
image: mrcraftcod/channel-points-miner:latest
command: "--settings /usr/src/app/config.json"
- ./authentication:/usr/src/app/authentication
- ./streamers:/usr/src/app/streamers
- ./config.json:/usr/src/app/config.json:ro
With a custom logger:
version: "3.9"
image: mrcraftcod/channel-points-miner:latest
command: "--settings /usr/src/app/config.json"
JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS: "-Dlog4j.configurationFile=/usr/src/app/log4j2.xml"
- ./authentication:/usr/src/app/authentication
- ./streamers:/usr/src/app/streamers
- ./config.json:/usr/src/app/config.json:ro
- ./log4j2.xml:/usr/src/app/log4j2.xml:ro
If you have 2FA enabled you’ll have to enter your token the first time in order to login. As Docker doesn’t give an interactive shell by default you’ll have to run the container in interactive mode yourself the first time. More can be read about it in #87. |
You have two options to load streamers in the mining list:
Be specific and define streamer settings for each streamer you want to watch. For this simply add a JSON file withing one of the streamer config directory with the name of the streamer (eg:
). The content of the file will override the default streamer settings for the keys that are redefined. If you want to use the default streamer settings simply use an empty file or put an empty JSON object in the file (ie:{}
). -
Load them from the follows list. Every follow will be loaded and default settings will be applied to them.
If a stream is both defined in a JSON file and is followed, then the first case will apply. |
2 kind of settings are present:
The global settings that defines the global behavior of the miner as well as the default streamer settings.
The streamer settings that’ll be applied for each streamer and override the default ones.
The settings consist of on object with a list of account settings under the accounts
Something like:
"accounts": [{
"accountSetting1": "value",
"accountSetting2": "value"
Examples can be found in src/examples/config.
Account settings define all the settings for a Twitch account that will be used to mine points.
Name | Description | Default value | ||
username |
Your Twitch account username. |
password |
Your Twitch account password. |
use2FA |
If you use 2-factor authentication enable this to ask the 2FA code directly when login in. |
false |
authenticationFolder |
Path to the folder containing the authentication file |
./authentication |
loadFollows |
If set to true streamers followed on the account will be mined. |
false |
enabled |
If set to true the account will be mined. Otherwise, it won’t be mined but still allows you to have its configuration defined for later. |
true |
Default streamer settings to apply to every streamer. |
Default streamer settings |
A list of streamer directories containing streamer settings. |
<empty> |
discord |
reloadEvery |
Reload streamer settings every A zero or negative value will disable this feature. We recommend setting this value to something not too low as this is a rather intensive treatment (15 minutes minimum seems fair).
0 |
analytics |
chatMode |
Define what method is used to connect to Twitch chat.
WS |
Name | Description | Default value |
path |
Path to a folder containing streamer settings. |
recursive |
If set to true, the folder will be scanned recursively. |
false |
Discord settings define settings to be used with Discord webhooks. Leave it empty if you don’t want the feature.
Name | Description | Default value |
webhookUrl |
Discord webhook url to publish events to. |
embeds |
If true embeds will be sent in the chat. |
false |
Analytics settings define a way to collect data on your twitch account as time passes. This includes:
Balance evolution
Your own Predictions made & results
Predictions from other chat participants and their return-on-investment (only approximate as the bet amount is mostly anonymous).
These are stored in an external database which allows any external software to access it and process it the wanted way.
Several database types are supported and listed below. Each database (logical database for MariaDB, different file for H2/SQLite) will however represent one mined account. You’ll therefore have to adjust the settings for each mined account to not point to the same one.
Name | Description | Default value |
enabled |
If set to true, data will be collected. |
false |
database |
recordChatsPredictions |
If set to true, other peoples predictions will be recorded. This is done from two sources, from the top-predictors list and from chat messages (via their badge). Reading from chat, requires the joinIrc setting to be set to true. |
false |
Name | Description | Default value | ||
jdbcUrl |
JDBC url for the database connection
username |
Account username to access database.
password |
Account password to access database.
maxPoolSize |
Maximum number of connections to the database.
10 |
Streamer settings define settings that will override the default streamer settings for a particular streamer.
Each streamer setting will be defined in a json file named with the username of the streamer (eg: myusername.json
) and placed in the streamerConfigDirectory directory.
An example can be found here.
Name | Description | Default value |
enabled |
If set to false, this streamer won’t be mined nor will join chat. |
true |
makePredictions |
If set to true, predictions will be made for this streamer. |
false |
followRaid |
If set to true, the miner raid will attend raids for extra points. |
false |
participateCampaigns |
If set to true, progression towards campaigns will be made, and completed rewards will be claimed. |
false |
claimMoments |
If set to true, moments will be claimed when available. |
false |
joinIrc |
If set to true IRC channel of the streamer will be joined. |
false |
predictions |
Settings related to predictions (see prediction settings. |
Default predictions settings. |
priorities |
A list of conditions that if met will prioritize this streamer (see priorities). |
empty |
index |
The streamer index. This value is used when streamers have the same score from the priorities, the one with the lowest index will be picked first. |
max value (last to be picked) |
Name |
Description |
Default value |
minimumPointsRequired |
Minimum amount of points to have to place a bet. If this threshold is not reached, no bet is placed. |
0 |
delayCalculator |
How to calculate when to place the bet (see prediction delay). |
fromEnd(10) |
outcomePicker |
How to choose what outcome (side / color) to place the bet on (see outcome pickers). |
smart(0.2) |
amountCalculator |
How to calculate the amount to the bet (see amount calculators). |
percentage(percentage: 20, max: 50000) |
actions |
A list of prediction actions to perform before a bet is placed |
<empty> |
Priorities is a way to prioritize streamers among each others to mine one over another based on some conditions.
You can then modify the position of a streamer by adding priorities to the streamers you want and if the condition is met then a score
will be added to its overall score (sum of all the priority’s scores).
The 2 streamers that have the highest overall score will be those mined.
If there’s an exe-quo they’ll be picked by their index
, and if equal too it’ll be random.
Each priority is different and can have a set of different parameters.
The table below will list their type
to be used in the JSON configuration as well as the conditions of activation and parameters.
Type | Description | Condition | Parameters |
constant |
Adds a constant value to the score of the streamer. For example if you want a streamer to always be first, you can set this priority with a score of 99999, and it’ll always have at least this amount. |
Always |
subscribed |
Return a score if the logged-in user is subscribed to the streamer. Values can be defined per sub tier. |
User is subscribed. |
pointsAbove |
Return a score if owned points are above a defined value. |
Channel points are above |
pointsBelow |
Return a score if owned points are below a defined value. |
Channel points are below |
watchStreak |
Return a score if the streamer has a potential watch streak to claim. |
A watch streak may be claimed. |
drops |
Return a score if a drop campaign may be progressed by watching this stream. |
Drops can be progressed. |
If you’re banned from the chat of a channel, it’ll be skipped as you can’t gather points there. |
Prediction delays allow you to define when a bet should be placed.
All delays will be within an imposed time window: [created date + 5s ; created date + prediction window - 5s] .
Delay are calculated from when the prediction is created, if a moderator closes the bet early (which happens on some channels where a long timer is set) and the bet hasn’t already been placed, then it’ll be too late. |
The table below will list their type
to be used in the JSON configuration as well as how the delay is computed and parameters.
Type | Description | Computation | Parameters |
fromEnd |
Place the bet a certain amount of time before the end of the original prediction. |
Prediction end date - |
fromStart |
Place the bet a certain amount of time after the beginning of the original prediction. |
Prediction start date + |
percentage |
Place the bet after |
Prediction stat date + |
Outcome pickers allow you to define what outcome (side / color) will be chosen to place the bet on.
The table below will list their type
to be used in the JSON configuration as well as how the side is computed and parameters.
Type | Description | Computation | Parameters |
mostUsers |
Choose the outcome with the most users. |
Outcome with the higher user count is picked. |
leastUsers |
Choose the outcome with the least users. |
Outcome with the lower user count is picked. |
mostPoints |
Choose the outcome with the most points. |
Outcome with the higher total points is picked. This is the same as "the outcome with lower odds". |
leastPoints |
Choose the outcome with the least points. |
Outcome with the lower total points is picked. This is the same as "the outcome with higher odds". |
biggestPredictor |
Choose the outcome with the biggest predictor. |
Outcome with the person that placed the biggest prediction overall. |
mostTrusted |
Choose the outcome that’s backed by other users with the highest average return-on-investment. Requires at least some data gathered beforehand via the 'recordChatsPredictions' setting! E.g. only users with at least 5 made predictions are taken into account by default. |
Take the return-on-investment from people who already placed a prediction, calculate the average per outcome, then pick the highest. |
smart |
Choose the outcome with the most users. However, if the two most picked outcomes have a user count similar, choose the outcome with the least points (higher odds). |
If the difference of the user percentages between the 2 most picked outcomes is less than |
(i.e. Setting this to |
Amount calculators allow you to define how the amount to place is calculated.
The minimum amount that can be placed is 10 .
The table below will list their type
to be used in the JSON configuration as well as how the amount is computed and parameters.
Type | Description | Computation | Parameters |
constant |
Always bet the same amount. |
Place |
percentage |
Place a percentage of your points (with a limit). |
Place |
Prediction actions are a way to perform actions / verifications before a bet is placed.
The table below will list their type
to be used in the JSON configuration as well as what is performed.
Type | Description | Computation | Parameters |
stealth |
Ensure that the amount placed is lower than the top predictor. |
If no top predictor is found, cancel the bet. Otherwise, if the amount placed by the top predictor is lower or equal to our prediction then set ours to his amount - 1. |
You can define yourself how the logs looks like by supplying your own Log4j2 configuration file (see how to use to see how to load this config file).
Some examples are provided in the src/examples/loggers
When you configure your patterns you’ll of course have access to all the default fields possible like the date, message, etc.
In addition to that the context will be populated with some keys depending on the available data (in the caase of the Pattern layout, see %X
These keys are listed below:
Key | Description |
account_name |
The account used to do the mining. |
streamer_name |
The name of the streamer for which the message is linked to. |
websocket_id |
The id of the websocket that is at the origin of the message sent/received on the websocket. |
websocket_topic |
Topic name of the message received on the websocket. |
event_id |
Event id of a prediction. |
Another module is available to display analytics data, see viewer module.