A solution finder for the puzzle game known as Light-Up/Akari written in Prolog using SWI-Prolog.
- Made with Test Driven Development.
- Uses backtracking only when no action can be taken deterministically.
- Written in a modular fashion.
- Can be run in an headless mode.
- Pretty colored output for CLI usage.
- Uses a test suit of ~2,760 puzzles (of sizes 8x8 and 20x20).
- Works with non-squared puzzles.
- Supports 0,1,2,3 and 4 numbered walls.
- Solves (all?) 8x8 puzzles under 3 seconds.
- Can solve many 20x20 levels under 3 seconds.
- Some hard 20x20 levels can take up to 10 minutes to be solved.
- The whole test suit of 2,760 puzzles takes ~20 minutes to run with no failures.
- Rami Sabbagh ([email protected]).
- Maias Alakramy.