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Inertia.js lets you quickly build modern single-page React, Vue and Svelte apps with Craft's routing & data-driven by Twig templates


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Inertia.js Craft CMS Adapter


This is a server-side adapter for Inertia built with Craft CMS workflow simplicity in mind.

It utilizes Craft's routing, as well as Twig for crafting Inertia responses, rather than requiring they be written directly in PHP (as a traditional Inertia application does).

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This plugin requires Craft CMS 5.4.0 or later, and PHP 8.2 or later.


You can install this plugin from the Plugin Store or with Composer.

From the Plugin Store

Go to the Plugin Store in your project’s Control Panel and search for “Inertia”. Then press “Install”.

With Composer:

Open your terminal and run the following commands:

composer require rareform/craft-inertia
php craft plugin/install inertia

Be sure to follow the installation instructions for the client-side framework you use.


Upon installing, the Inertia adapter will takeover all routing and expect all templates to respond with inertia protocol responses. To prevent this, you may set the takeoverRouting config option to false


Required Reading

The Inertia documentation is a must-read to understand the protocol, the responsibilities of this adapter, and how to use Inertia on the client-side. The following sections will explain how to use this adapter, but assume you have a basic understanding of Inertia.

Defining Pages

Every page in your javascript application is backed by a Twig template which returns a page object. The page object defines which page component to render, and what prop data is received.

{# templates/posts/index.twig #}

{% set posts = craft.entries.section('posts').limit(20).all() | map(post => {
    title: post.title,
    body: post.body
}) %}

{# Use the inertia variable to define the Page component to render and props to pass #}
{{ inertia('Posts/Index', { posts: posts }) }}

Note: templates are passed element variables automatically when a request is matched to an element. If you want to pass the element as a prop automatically to your page component, set the injectElementAsProp configuration to true.

Shared Data

Shared data will automatically be passed as props to your application, sparing you the cumbersome tasks of redefining the same prop data in every page response. You can create multiple files for different shared prop responses.

Create a _shared directory at the root of your /templates directory, and use the inertiaShare variable:

{# templates/_shared/index.twig #}

{{ inertiaShare({
}) }}

This allows more flexibility for designating responses you may want to cache to reduce unnecessary repetitive queries.

{# templates/_shared/current-user.twig #}

{% if currentUser %}
  {% cache using key %}
    {% set user = {
      fullName: currentUser.fullName,
    } %}
    {{ inertiaShare({ currentUser: user }) }}
  {% endcache %}
{% else %}
  {{ inertiaShare({ currentUser: null }) }}
{% endif %}

Pull in Variables

Use the pull tag to include variables from a specified template and make them available in the current response twig file.

{# teams/_base.twig #}
{% set teamColor = "#EE4B2B" %}
{# templates/teams/_entry.twig #}
{% pull('teams/_base') %}

{{ inertia('Teams/Entry', { teamColor: teamColor }) }}

This is a simple DX alternative to using extends and block tags to share variables across templates. Note that the pull tag is only available in Inertia responses.

Saving Data

Craft CMS does not use traditional POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE requests for saving data, and instead uses the action parameter to hit various internal Craft controllers. This means saving data to Craft CMS data is a little different than what is expected in a traditional Inertia application.

const form = useForm({
  sectionId: 1,
  typeId: 2,
  CRAFT_CSRF_TOKEN: csrf.value,
  action: "entries/save-entry",
  title: "My New Post",
  fields: {
    customField: "My Custom Field Value",

const saveEntry = () => {
  // Don't specify a POST url, as we're using the action parameter"", {
    // Force the request to use form data in order for Craft to process the request
    forceFormData: true,


If using Vue 3 on your frontend, you can install the inertia-helper npm plugin which simplifies the process by automatically handling the CSRF token injection and removing the forceFormData option requirement:

import useForm from "inertia-helper";
const form = useForm({
  title: "My New Post",
  sectionId: 1,
  typeId: 2,
  fields: {
    customField: "My Custom Field Value",

const saveEntry = () =>"entries/save-entry");


Create an inertia.php file in your Craft /config directory. Shown are the default values:


return [
     * The root template that will be rendered when first loading your Inertia app
     * (
     * Includes the div the inertia app will be rendered to:
     * `<div id="app" data-page="{{ page|json_encode }}"></div>`
     * and calls the Inertia app `<script src="<path_to_app>/app.js"></script>`
    'view' => 'base.twig',

     * Whether inertia's assets versioning shall be used
     * (
    'useVersioning' => true,

     * Array of directories that will be checked for changed assets if `useVersioning` => true
    'assetsDirs' => [

     * Whether to inject the element matched from routing automatically into the application
    'injectElementAsProp' => false,

     * Whether to takeover all routing and forward to Inertia
     * If set to false, you can use Inertia in parallel to normal twig templates
     * Route rules will need to be set in config/routes.php, eg:
     * '' => 'inertia/base/index',
     * '<catchall:.+>' => 'inertia/base/index',
    'takeoverRouting' => true,


Inertia.js lets you quickly build modern single-page React, Vue and Svelte apps with Craft's routing & data-driven by Twig templates





