Knesset data scrapers and data sync
Uses the datapackage pipelines framework to scrape Knesset data and aggregate to different data stores (PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, Files)
- public endpoints:
- - pipelines dashboard
- - data files, also available in json format
- Metabase dashboards for quick friendly visualizations of the data in DB:
- Graphana dashboards for metrics / analytics:
- internal admin interfaces - password required
- - user friendly DB queries and dashboards
- - for admin DB access
- in adminer UI login screen, you should choose:
- System: PostgreSQL
- Server: db
- Username, Password, Database: secret
- in adminer UI login screen, you should choose:
- - celery tasks management
- - Web UI for graphing metrics (via InfluxDB)
- deployment of this environment was done using Kubernetes (K8S) on Google Container Engine (GKE)
Looking to contribute? check out the Help Wanted Issues or the Noob Friendly Issues for some ideas.
Using windows with docker is not currently recomended or supported. The build process seems to fail on numerous issues. If you wish to use windows, do so at your own risk, and please update this README file with instructions if you succeed.
- Install Docker
- Ubuntu - Docker Official Docs - Ubuntu installation - The recommended method is "Install using the repository")
- Mac -
- Install docker-compose
- Ubuntu -
sudo apt install docker-compose
- Mac - should be installed as part of the toolbox
- Ubuntu -
- Make sure docker-compose is at version 1.13.0 or higher:
docker-compose --version
- If not, upgrade docker compose (refer to Docker-compose Official Docs)
- fork & clone the repo
- change directory to the repo's directory
sudo bin/
- verify all dockers started correctly:
sudo docker ps
(should show 3 images running - app, db, redis)
This will provide:
- Pipelines dashboard: http://localhost:5000/
- PostgreSQL server: postgresql://postgres:123456@localhost:15432/postgres
- Data files under: .data-docker/
After every change in the code you should run sudo bin/ && sudo bin/
Adminer is a simple Web UI which allows to make queries against the DB.
To start the adminer service as part of the local docker compose environment:
- (If you haven't do so already) Copy
- Edit
- Uncomment the adminer section
- Start the services
- adminer is available at: http://localhost:18080
- Database Type = PostgreSQL
- Host = db
- Port = 5431
- Database = postgres
- User = postgres
- Password = 123456
You should have an activated python 3.6 virtualenv, following procedure will work on Ubuntu 17.04:
curl -kL | bash
echo '[[ -s $HOME/.pythonz/etc/bashrc ]] && source $HOME/.pythonz/etc/bashrc' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
sudo apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libncurses5-dev libsqlite3-dev libgdbm-dev libdb-dev libexpat-dev libpcap-dev liblzma-dev libpcre3-dev
pythonz install 3.6.2
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
echo 'export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs; export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/Devel; source /usr/local/bin/' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
cd knesset-data-pipelines
mkvirtualenv -a `pwd` -p $HOME/.pythonz/pythons/CPython-3.6.2/bin/python3.6 knesset-data-pipelines
Before running any knesset-data-pipelines script, be sure to activate the virtualenv
You can do that by running workon knesset-data-pipelines
Once you are inside a Python 3.6 virtualenv, you can run the following:
You can set some environment variables to modify behaviors, see a refernece at .env.example
- using docker:
- locally (from an activated virtualenv):