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This package provides ESLint configurators as shared configs.


We use recommended rules from the following packages:

We add support of React for browser:

We add support of testing tools:

Also, we add our opinionated rules configuration on top of it.


Use the package manager pnpm to install @tabula/eslint-config.

pnpm add @tabula/eslint-config --save-dev

You can use npm or yarn too.


The package provides utilities to build flat config, also configs and presets, which can be used for build your own configuration.

The defineConfig utility accepts record with config definitions. Each definition is a ESLint flat config itself, or object with files, ignores and configs fields.

It's function build flat config with defined names to improve debug and readability.

import { defineConfig } from '@tabula/eslint-config';

export default defineConfig({
  typescript: {
    files: ['{src,stories}/**/*.{ts,tsx}'],
    ignores: ['src/**/*.js'],

    configs: presets.typescript(),

  stories: {
    files: ['stories/**/*.{ts,tsx}'],

    rules: {
      'react/no-multi-comp': 'off',

Also package exports configs and presets objects, which provide of single configs or configs list.


This project is ISC licensed.