- Pull 2948 More assertions for TestSubscriber
- Pull 2956 OperatorObserveOn should not request more after child is unsubscribed
- Pull 2951 OperatorConcat - prevent request overflow and fix race condition
- Pull 2950 OperatorGroupBy - check for request overflow and don't decrement when at Long.MAX_VALUE
- Pull 2923 OnBackpressureLatest: Non-blocking version of the toBlocking().latest() operator.
- Pull 2907 Fixed schedule race and task retention with ExecutorScheduler.
- Pull 2929 OperatorObserveOn onComplete can be emitted despite onError being called
- Pull 2940 Remove unnecessary localHasValue check
- Pull 2939 publish: Fix another race between terminalEvent and the queue being empty.
- Pull 2938 Fixed Observable.combineLatest overflow bug on Android
- Pull 2936 Fix TestSubject bug
- Pull 2934 Fix termination race condition in OperatorPublish.dispatch
- Pull 2963 Set of standard producers and updated queue implementations with some
Artifacts: Maven Central