- Pull 1928 Experimental: Add onBackpressureBuffer with capacity
- Pull 1946 Experimental: AbstractOnSubscribe to help build Observables one onNext at a time.
- Pull 1960 Beta: doOnRequest
- Pull 1965 Fix the issue that Sample doesn't call 'unsubscribe'
- Pull 1966 Fix NPE when the key is null in GroupBy
- Pull 1964 Handle 0 or negative request in Buffer
- Pull 1957 Fix 'request(0)' issue in Scan
- Pull 1950 Add "Subscriptions.unsubscribed" to fix the 'isUnsubscribed' issue
- Pull 1938 Any/All should not unsubscribe downstream.
- Pull 1968 Upgrade to Gradle 2.2
- Pull 1961 Remove Request Batching in Merge
- Pull 1953 Fixed timer cast-to-int crash causing incorrect benchmark.
- Pull 1952 Remove ActionSubscription
- Pull 1951 Remove extraneous request(n) and onCompleted() calls when unsubscribed.
- Pull 1947 Fixed first emission racing with pre and post subscription.
- Pull 1937 Scheduler.Worker to be finally unsubscribed to avoid interference
- Pull 1926 Move the codes out of the finally block
- Pull 1922 Set removeOnCancelPolicy on the threadpool if supported
Artifacts: Maven Central