Version 1.1.6 - June 15, 2016 (Maven )
API enhancements
Pull 3934 : TestSubscriber
extra info on assertion failures
Pull 3948 : add Completable.andThen(Completable)
Pull 3942 : add Completable.subscribe
to be safe, add unsafeSubscribe
option + RxJavaPlugins
hook support
Pull 3936 : promote UnicastSubject
to be a standard+experimental Subject
Pull 3971 : add Observable.rebatchRequests
operator to change and stabilize request amounts of the downstream.
Pull 3986 : add Schedulers.reset()
for better testing
Pull 3918 : ReplaySubject
now supports backpressure
API deprecations
Pull 3948 deprecate Completable.endWith()
in favor of andThen()
Performance enhancements
Pull 3470 : replay
request coordination reduce overhead
Pull 3924 : fix RxRingBuffer
-pool depending on the computation
Pull 3922 : fix using()
resource cleanup when factory throws or being non-eager
Pull 3941 : fix Single.flatMap
not composing subscription through
Pull 3958 : fix just()
construction to call the onCreate
execution hook
Pull 3977 : Use the correct Throwable
to set the cause for CompositeException
Pull 4005 : Fix Spsc queues reporting not empty but then poll() returns null.
You can’t perform that action at this time.