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@akarnokd akarnokd released this 05 May 08:09
· 27 commits to 1.x since this release



Version 1.3.0 is the next minor release of the 1.x series of RxJava containing many formerly experimental API components promoted to standard. Most notably the Completable base reactive type is now standard as well.

Note that the experimental rx.Observable.fromEmitter() has been removed in favor for the now also standard Observable.create(Action1<Emitter<T>> emitter, Emitter.BackpressureMode backpressure)

The planned lifecycle of the 1.x line is as follows:

Date Remark
June 1, 2017 Feature freeze, only bugfixes from this on.
September 1, 2017 Release 1.4.0 finalizing the remaining API components.
March 31, 2018 End of development.

The following components have been promoted to standard:

Classes, interfaces

  • classes: AssemblyStackTraceException, RxJavaCompletableExecutionHook, RxJavaHooks, UnicastSubject, BlockingSingle, Completable, AssertableSubscriber, AsyncCompletableSubscriber, SafeCompletableSubscriber
  • interfaces: Cancellable, Emitter, SingleEmitter, CompletableEmitter, CompletableSubscriber, BackpressureOverflow.Strategy


  • Observable: create, unsafeCreate, to, zip(Observable[], FuncN), flatMapCompletable, flatMapSingle, groupby(Func1, Func1, Func1<Action1<K>, Map<K, Object>>), onTerminateDetach, rebatchRequests, subscribeOn(Scheduler, boolean), sorted, withLatestFrom, test, toCompletable, concatDelayError, mergeDelayError, switchOnNextDelayError, using(Func0, Func1, Action1, boolean), concatMapDelayError, delaySubscription(Observable), distinctUntilChanged(Func2), concatEager, concatMapEager, onBackpressureBuffer(long, Action0, BackpressureOverflow.Strategy), switchMapDelayError, toSortedList(int), toSortedList(Func2, int)
  • Completable: fromEmitter, test
  • Single: fromEmitter, merge, mergeDelayError, cache, to, doOnEach, doOnSuccess, test, onErrorResumeNext, toCompletable, doOnError, doOnSubscribe, delay, defer, doOnUnsubscribe, doAfterTerminate, flatMapCompletable, lift, toBlocking, using, delaySubscription(Observable)
  • TestSubscriber: getCompletions, awaitValueCount, assertValuesAndClear
  • SyncOnSubscriber: createSingleState, createStateful, createStateless


  • Schedulers.reset
  • CompositeException(Throwable...) constructor
  • Exceptions.throwOrReport (4 overloads)
  • BlockingObservable.subscribe (6 overloads)
  • RxJavaSchedulersHook: createComputationScheduler, createIoScheduler, createNewThreadScheduler
  • internal: AssertableSubscriberObservable, FlatMapCompletable, FlatMapSingle, SchedulerWhen, BackpressureDrainManager, BlockingUtils.
  • RxJavaPlugins: reset, getCompletableExecutionHook, registerCompletableExecutionHook
  • RxJavaErrorHandler: handleOnNextValueRendering, render

In addition, the class AsyncOnsubscribe with its 7 factory methods and Observable.create(AsyncOnSubscribe<S, T>) have been promoted to beta.


Thanks to all who contributed to the 1.x line in the past 6 months (in order they appear on the commit page):

@mtiidla, @dhendry, @mostroverkhov, @yshrsmz, @BraisGabin, @cesar1000, @Jawnnypoo, @chanx2, @abersnaze, @davidmoten, @ortex, @marwinxxii, @ekchang, @pyricau, @JakeWharton, @VictorAlbertos