Sample PixiJS app for learning the PixiJS framework
- Clone the repo from Github
- Create your own branch
- Do your best to complete all the objectives.
Phase 1 - Menu:
- Follow the mockup included in the project to create the Menu.
- Add the logo and btn to the preload call.
- Add functions to the create function in the Menu class to create the background, logo, and button.
- Add a click listener to the begin button.
- When the begin button is clicked, it needs to signal to the controller class (TicTacToe).
- The controller class will respond to the begin button by destroying the menu and creating an instance of the Game class.
Phase 2 - Game (Design):
- Create a "Game" class in the scenes directory. It will be similar to the Menu class.
- Create the game layout as you'd like, but include the following:
- Display background image for the game.
- Display and position the grid for the Xs and Os.
- Display, position, and resize logo if needed.
Phase 3 - Game (Basic Functionality):
- Display a message for player 1 to go and place an x
- Capture click and show x
- Display a message for player 2 to go and place an o
- Capture click and show o
Extra Credit:
Visual Studio Code is a great choice for an editor. It can be downloaded for free here: