An asynchronous Chatbox client implementation for ReconnectedCC written in Rust
Start by adding the following to your Cargo.toml
futures = "0.3.31"
ferrisbox = { git = "" }
Then you can start using the library:
use ferrisbox::{packets::client::tell::TellPacket, ChatboxClientInstance};
// You can use Some("some chatbox endpoint") to use a custom chatbox endpoint
// We are using default value of `wss://`
let mut client = ChatboxClientInstance::new(license, None).await;
// Telling a user something
.tell(TellPacket {
user: "g6ys".to_owned(),
text: "Hello, World!".to_owned(),
name: None,
mode: None,
// Receiving messages from the chatbox server
while let Some(server_packet) = {
println!("{:?}", server_packet);