Project has demonstrable example how Java 8 functional interfaces can be used to implemenent business validation and test conditions.
Given an example validation
private OperationResult<String> verifyTime() {
return OperationResult.of(timeValidator.validate(;
private OperationResult<String> verifyName() {
return OperationResult.success("James");
It's possible to chain opeations using flatMap
as follows
OperationResult<String> chain =
new OperationResult<String>()
.onSuccess(() -> System.out.println("success"));
Please refer tests for more details.
Java 8 functional interfaces can be extended to build your owns. An example can be find below:
public interface TestCondition extends Supplier<Boolean> {
static TestCondition isUuidNull(UUID uuid) {
return () -> Objects.isNull(uuid);
static TestCondition hasText(String s) {
return () -> s != null && !s.trim().isEmpty();
default TestCondition and(TestCondition other) {
return () -> {
final boolean isValid = this.get();
return isValid ? other.get() : false;
default boolean isTrue() {
return this.get();
Given this it's possible to compose functions as follows:
Please refer tests for more details.