- A simple tool for converting Google Earth .kmz files to MS EXCEL .xlsx files on Windows OS.
- 一個用來將Google Earth .kmz檔,轉換為EXCEL .xlsx檔的Windows小工具。
- Extract names and coordinates of points, polygons and lines.
- Save the path/folder information in additional columns.
- Download and save the kmz2xlsx.exe in the folder where your .kmz files are.
- Double click on the kmz2xlsx.exe.
- A while, one .xlsx file for each .kmz files will be generated and named the same as .kmz file.
- 可以讀出點、線、多邊形物件的名稱和座標資訊。
- 還可以把物件的各層資料夾名稱匯出成新的欄位。
- 下載kmz2xlsx.exe並把它存到和你要處理的kmz檔同一個資料夾
- 雙擊滑鼠執行kmz2xlsx.exe
- 一回兒後,每個.kmz檔會匯出成相同名稱的.xlsx