Integrates SimplePie RSS Parser into Symfony2 and setting up caching to the symfony2 cache folder.
This can be done in two different ways:
Method #1) Use composer
"require": {
"fkr/simplepie-bundle": "1.0.*"
Method #2) Use deps file
Method #3) Use git submodules
git submodule add git:// vendor/simplepie
git submodule add git:// vendor/bundles/Fkr/SimplePieBundle
This is not required if you installed using composer.
// app/autoload.php
'Fkr' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
// your other namespaces
'SimplePie' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/simplepie/library',
// your other namespaces
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new Fkr\SimplePieBundle\FkrSimplePieBundle(),
// ...
# app/config.yml
cache_enabled: false
cache_dir: %kernel.cache_dir%/rss
cache_duration: 3600
- cache_enabled: [true or false] enables caching for the SimplePie class
- cache_dir: [any dir] setup the caching dir which SimplePie should use
- cache_duration: [secs] setting up caching for number of seconds.
For more information about SimplePie's caching please visit the SimplePie wiki.
To get a configured SimplePie class instance just use the following code
The service keeps only one instance of SimplePie. If you want to use multiple feeds over your application you have to clone
the instance to stop them interfering
$one = clone $this->get('fkr_simple_pie.rss');
$two = clone $this->get('fkr_simple_pie.rss');
Thats all. For the complete api visit the SimplePie api doc.