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Another Private Torrent framework Project. On Heavily Development now !!!

Codacy Badge GitHub Releases used-Swoole-blue GitHub license FOSSA Status Telegram Group

Demo Site

Demo Url:

Test Account Information:

  • Username : Admin
  • Password : 123456

Installation Guide

  1. We test our RidPT project on this environment :

  2. After you prepare those base environment well

    • run below command to clone this repo or you can download from our release.
      git clone /home/wwwroot/
      cd /home/wwwroot/
    • Use composer install to install PHP dependency.
    • Use bower install to install our front-end dependency (like js,css,font)
    • If you don't run RidPT apps in root user, you should give enough permission to apps/{storage,var}.
  3. Import Database Structure from our migration/ridpt.sql, and disable Mysql strict mode NO_ZERO_IN_DATE and NO_ZERO_DATE.

    mysql -u root -p < migration/ridpt.sql
  4. Then set your RidPT Project config (about APP, DATABASE, Redis, Mailer) in .env (Or better .env.local). The other config about site your can edit in Admin Panel.

    cp .env.example .env
    vi .env
  5. Run Test by php bin/console server start -u , And Congratulation If you see those output without error throwout.

    root@Ubuntu-iso-DND:/data/wwwroot/ php bin/console server:start
       ____            __  ____    ______                                                                                   
      /\  _`\   __    /\ \/\  _`\ /\__  _\                                                                                  
      \ \ \L\ \/\_\   \_\ \ \ \L\ \/_/\ \/                                                                                  
       \ \ ,  /\/\ \  /'_` \ \ ,__/  \ \ \                                                                                  
        \ \ \\ \\ \ \/\ \L\ \ \ \/    \ \ \                                                                                 
         \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \___,_\ \_\     \ \_\                                                                                
          \/_/\/ /\/_/\/__,_ /\/_/      \/_/                                                                                
     ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ 
      Environment              Value                                           
     ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ 
      System      Name         Linux                                           
      Framework   Version      v0.1.7-alpha                                    
      PHP         Version      7.4.1                                           
      Swoole      Version      4.4.14                                          
      Listen      Addr                                       
      Listen      Port         9501                                            
      Reactor     Num          1                                               
      Worker      Num          5                                               
      Hot         Update       disabled                                        
      Coroutine   Mode         disabled                                        
      Config      File         /data/wwwroot/  
     ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ 
  6. Then you can safely add Nginx reserve proxy config like migration/nginx.conf. And Notice : If your service is behind the CDN like Cloudflare, You MUST follow How do I restore original visitor IP with Nginx? So that tracker can correctly record the peer's ip address.

  7. Use the default php bin/console server:start -d to let RidPT RUN in the background. Or you can use other daemon work like:

Basie Environment Setting in .env

Notice: Any change in file .env require the restart of Application to Make it effective

Section APP

Document: None

Key Type Note
APP_ENV ENUM('local','staging') Not use now.
APP_DEBUG Bool Turn on or off the debug model,Turn if off after success deploy !
APP_SECRET_KEY String The key used to encrypt and decrypt some data.(Change it before deploy and don't Change it after Deploy)
APP_SECRET_IV String A non-NULL Initialization Vector.(Change it before deploy and don't Change it after Deploy)

Section Database

Document: PHP: PDO::__construct - Manual

Key Type Note
DATABASE_DSN DSN The Data Source Name, or DSN, contains the information required to connect to the database.
DATABASE_USERNAME String The user name for the DSN string.
DATABASE_PASSWORD String The password for the DSN string.

Section Redis

Document: phpredis/phpredis

Key Type Note
REDIS_HOST String A host, or the path to a unix domain socket.
REDIS_PORT Int Dy default 6379.
REDIS_DATABASE Int dbindex, the database number to switch to.
REDIS_PASSWORD String The password for the Redis server.

Section Mailer

Document: the PHPMailer wiki

Key Type Note
MAILER_DEBUG Int SMTP class debug output mode.
MAILER_HOST String SMTP hosts.
MAILER_PORT Int The default SMTP server port.
MAILER_ENCRYPTION Enum('','tls','ssl') What kind of encryption to use on the SMTP connection.
MAILER_FROM String The from address of this email.
MAILER_FROMNAME String The from name of this email.

Dynamic Config

Notice: Most Dynamic config note you can found in our config setting Page


Development Help

Some rule or Docs May help you when you rebuild this project, Or you can join our chat group on Telegram -- @ridpt


Library Docs
Zui: an HTML5 front UI framework ( Chinese Version )
FortAwesome: The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit
flag-css: CSS for SVG country flags respecting the original ratio.
zxcvbn: Low-Budget Password Strength Estimation
bootstrap-validator: A user-friendly HTML5 form validation jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3
jQuery.Textarea.Autoresize: Smart resizing for textareas using jQuery

Backend Library

Library Used As Docs
MixPHP v1 Framework ( Chinese Version )
vlucas/phpdotenv phpdotenv
adhocore/cli Console Application
siriusphp/validation Validator
league/plates Template system
firebase/php-jwt JWT,


MeiHeZi For Demo Site Host Server


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