My name is Rory Patrick Sheridan and I'm a newly certified Full-Stack Software Developer. I'm currently travelling and working in Europe. I have a small portfolio here, with quite a few more projects in the works. Take a look and let me know what you think, any suggestion or ideas are welcomed. ๐
Right now I'm studying to improve my current proficiencies, learn a language for mobile development, such as React Native and utilise analytics.
You can find me on for my work history, or you can check out my favourite hobby, photography, on
A live e-commerce website for a holistic business, built with Django and PostgreSQL, favourites, user accounts, automated emails, cookie selection, social network tracking, policies, and a fully functional payment system using Stripe. It features pages for information about the business and a shop in a different section. (No longer maintained by me).
A draft gallery website for a photography project of mine which has been awarded funding from Caritas Italiana. The aim is to bring public awareness of migrants in Sardinia, which was one of the main locations for disembarking migrants. I want to highlight them not as "migrants" but as people like all of us. This will be done through stories which recall common human emotions and themes, like family or celebration. The idea was eventually reformulated into a social integration project due to Covid restrictions.
An e-commerce site built with Django and PostgreSQL, featuring search, tags, ajax forms, likes, infinite scroll, sorting stock by data, user accounts, automated emails, and a fully functional payment system using Stripe. This is by fair my most complex site. It was inspired by thrift stores and charity shops and the design followed suit, focusing on unique items and fun while browsing. Check out the for detailed info.
A text-based social network built with Flask and MongoDB, featuring a cusomtised text editor, Materialize CSS, a complex search system, tags, ajax forms, likes, infinite scroll, user accounts with complex options, and automated emails. The idea came from the wide variety of unique emotions and experiences people underwent during the pandemic. As always, take a look at the for more info.
A portfolio for a travel blogger built with Bootstrap 4 and Javascript, featuring animations, Google Maps API, REST Countries API, API failure fallback, EmailJS, responsive gallery, progressive image loading and interaction between the current page and an iframe. Imagined as a site with a minimal aesthetic to showcase a phtographer's work. Clciking on a marker swaps the iframe for new photos. Again, take a look at the for more info.