Passionate Software Developer specializing in Cybersecurity, Cryptography, and Embedded Systems. I am particularly skilled in C/C++ and am currently learning Rust. I am always eager to improve my technical abilities and create innovative solutions. Whether working on secure applications, exploring cryptographic algorithms, or developing embedded systems, I strive to deliver high-quality work that reflects my skills and passion for technology.
A project focused on creating a digital art competition that integrates secure encryption, blind signatures, and other cryptographic tools to ensure the integrity and anonymity of participants. This project reflects my deep interest in cryptography and security.
3rd Place - Main Hackathon (June 2023)
Organized by: Vara Network and Gear Foundation
Backend team using Rust to create Rutzo, a Web3 game allowing users to win NFTs by competing with others. -
1st Place - Latin American Innovation Rally (Social Impact Category) (October 2023)
Organized by: Latin American Innovation Rally
Design and backend architecture for a wireless device and mobile app to identify water quality in domestic sectors.