This is the official repository for the paper Versatile Teacher: A Class-aware Teacher-student Framework for Cross-domain Adaptation.
This repository is built upon YOLOv5 and follow the same requirements. Please refer to the original repository for more details.
Prepare your own datasets in YOLO format and create a corresponding .yaml
file in the folder data
Firstly, use the script
python \
--cfg models/yolov5l_da.yaml \
--weights weights/ \
--data data/src_data.yaml \
--data data/tgt_data.yaml \
--device 0 \
--epochs 50 \
--batch-size 16 \
to initialize the teacher model, saved as weights/
Then, use the script
python \
--cfg models/yolov5l_da.yaml \
--cfg models/yolov5l.yaml \
--weights weights/ \
--weights weights/ \
--data data/src_data.yaml \
--data data/tgt_data.yaml \
--device 0 \
--epochs 50 \
--batch-size 16 \
to train the student model.
title = {Versatile Teacher: A class-aware teacher–student framework for cross-domain adaptation},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = {158},
pages = {111024},
year = {2025},
issn = {0031-3203},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Runou Yang and Tian Tian and Jinwen Tian},